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RE: Punish a Muslim? - A London Experience

in #life7 years ago

I am familiar with lots of things, believe it or not.

I don't look at people in terms of origin, nationality, color, much less religious background and such.
Most of the time I don't even look at people in terms of gender. Man, woman, it's the same to me... they are humans, and sexual attraction doesn't even enter the picture. It is only when something happens to make a man stand me, according to my personal criteria... Then, and only then do I look at him as a man... and may feel attracted....

I realize that makes me seem complicated, but to me it really only makes me very simple. So, you see, when you speak of Europeans dying out, well, I see people, and you are saying that they are bringing in more people.
As for "integration", what do we want to stand for?
Oppression and threats or education and conversation?
(Although... integration... that word... huge topic.)

A quote from a silly movie came to mind, excuse the language, but this is how it goes:
White people, black people, brown people, yellow people, get rid of 'em all.
All we need is a voluntary, free spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction.
Everybody just gotta keep fuckin' everybody til they're all the same color.


My apologies if you found any offense, there. I try to be careful what I say because I purposely like to raise issues that Muslims tend to ignore. I feel sorry for the Muslims in the picture because MI-6 is now going to run a psy-op against them to discredit the in the Muslim community. If they have support in their local Masjid, then they'll be targeted, to.

The Muslims, in general, have no idea they are being caught up in a gigantic psy-op! And Muslims, in particular, can be goaded into a whole host of things. Those "cartoons" are done and sponsored on purpose! Free speech in Islam is not the same thing as in the west. The main reason being, and is accepted, is that you can't lie! It isn't free speech, more like forbidden speech.

The reason I know those folks will be a target is history! It's mine! But, I also now who the next "rightly guided Kalifah" will be. It's none other than Isa ibn Marriam, more commonly known as Jesus, the son of Mary! It isn't the Madhi, his job is point out that this A) Jesus the Messiah and that B) he IS the Kalifah! (I can hear the fatwas now!)

I would prefer the Muslims NOT kill their brethren! A certain Sheikh, who got "droned" after he was released from a Yemeni jail, esp know as his son was killed the very next week and later, his daughter. He was caught up in a psy-op, he worked for the CIA. He actually hosted and chauffeured those Saudis that came to America, that were being trained by the CIA, and later used as patsies on 9-11. Newsbud has an exclusive on this.

So, the original plan is just to populate Europe, but they added bonus is that the refugees include CIA/NATO/MI-5/Mossad and Saudi agents, along with a few that might actually agree with all the violence. Any crises' fomented in Europe can be used for excuses for wars overseas and additional crises' locally. Both sides have been brainwashed, but the Muslims are newer to it. We might get through to them, but it would tougher on westerners. We've subject to very specific propaganda for a hundred years now!

Somehow, and/or once they see it, they'll get it. Any violence, esp any killing only serves those trying to accomplish just that.

And, lol, never saw that movie, but reached the same conclusion in the 70s. All my kids are mixed, but I think i had an axe to grind, back then. I wasn't wasn't too pleased to folks of the lighter complexions. Hopefully, I'm over that, even if it means trying to spare some of them! should only hate hate, not the fools that get caught up in it. They ones that inspire it, heck, hate them, too! But most folks are bonafide miracles! You just need to know the paths that got them where they are.

Until people learn to accept human rights, as opposed to "religious specific" rights, we have another Catch-22! And up to and until I see Jesus with my own eyes (which definitely might not happen, though we might proffer different reasons why!), I say human rights first and for crying out loud, stop the BS! I'm certain they've assigned AI(s) to figure out how to cause division. So, if we let it, we're screwed!

I'm lucky, I'll be dead most likely, but we're better served trying to identify all the various things that Government and Corporations are doing to kill us. At the least, let's stop helping them! We're in a tinder-keg, all around.

Sorry, I know, I know, old people talk too much....