Get Yourself Inspired

in #life7 years ago

Have you ever gotten to that point when you just not feeling it, yes not just feeling inspired to do anything -- what happens? Do you just allow it to end as a hopeless situation or can you pull yourself out of it?. When you try doing this, how often do you succeed?

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Dont get me wrong, am talking about self-inspiration

Simply put, self-inspiration is the ability for one to move oneself from the point of being bored to passionate, from discouraged to excited or from stagnant to active. It really doesn’t depend on any form of external assistance. If you are a self-inspiring person, you could get your self inspired, and not just yourself, but others) also at anywhere and anytime. Self-inspiring persons are able to get things done. The age we live in avails us with so much help, if not online then elsewhere. One thing we should realise is that ispiration really does not always have to be derived from the inside but the most part of it should. To solely depend on external stimuli for inspiration would at some points leave you disappointed very much unproductive. You must look to yourself first, before anyone or anything else to find inspiration. It’s quite a good idea to practice. Want to get inspired -- continue reading.

Focus On Positive Outcomes For Self Inspiration

Just picture yourself wearing the gold medal for a 100m dash, that prize would definitely inspire you to put some extra effort into work. Earlier today, I inspired myself to clean up my kitchen. I really didn’t feel like doing it, but then when i pictured just how happy it would make my parents feel, and well just how more enjoyable it would be for me to prepare dinner in a clean kitchen.

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It's simple right, yeah quite simple. A good number of answers which we seek for in life are simple, but the simple solutions doesn't always appear evident in that moment of struggle. How many times have I not cleaned the kitchen in that same scenario? A lot too many. Most of our success in life, be it physical, relational, financial, or organizational, it all boils down to our habits. If you are able to get in the habit of focusing solely on positive outcomes instead of excuses, then you would be able to achieve more positive outcomes.


If this step works for you, then you are done. You can now successfully get yourself inspired to complete a meaningful task. But then, maybe you have just gotten yourself a little excited about life by just thinking of the exciting opportunities that lay in wait for you in the future.

Thanks For Reading


Whenever people tell me they are just not feeling it and don't feel inspired, I tell them to just get started.

See, the brain works in funny ways. And one of them is that you start thinking positively once you actually do something.

When you get started, your brain will think of ways to get something done.

It's that feeling you get when you finally decide to clean your house after postponing it for an hour. After 5 minutes, everything just seems like a mess and you're motivated to keep going.

Whenever you don't feel like doing it, actually do it. Take the first 5 minutes to do it. You'll see that you will actually do it.

And afterwards, you'll be thankful for yourself for actually doing it.

It is also worthy to add self inspiration is something that is a continuous process, if you are not continuously doing it, it might fail you when you require it the most.

Woooow! Inspiring....more wisdom

Funny enough, I was thinking about this self motivation of a thing..yesterday.. Thanks for sharing