Wooow! ANOTHER THOUSAND FOLLOWERS in just Two Weeks! And how you can do it too! My SteemIt Guide To Success! 😉

in #life8 years ago (edited)

A couple of weeks ago I was writing about how excited I was that I had just gotten to 1 thousand followers.  Today I logged in and saw that I now have over 2 thousand followers!  That's absolutely amazing, it's gotta be a record or something!  It took me a year to get the first thousand followers, but only two weeks to get the second thousand.

I'm not writing this to brag though, I want to thank everyone who's following me.  I promised that I would share how I did it, so here it is.

My SteemIt Guide To Success

The most important thing I can express is to participate, don't give up, don't take a break from steemit.  Keep at it and be persistent.  And you should do more than just writing articles, you need to vote and comment on other people's articles too.

You should be voting like crazy, you're allowed to vote once every 3 seconds at the most.  Try to vote as much as you possibly can, especially for new content.  When you get your vote in before the crowd on a popular article then you get a bonus in your curation rewards.  Also, a lot of people are just happy to receive your vote and sometimes they vote or follow you to return the favor.

Commenting on other peoples posts is great too because it gets your name out there for more people to see.  There's actually a psychological thing to building rapport with people, the more they see your name or your opinion, the more familiar they feel about you.  And that can lead to making new friends as well as getting more votes and followers.

I've heard different theories about when are the best times and days to post articles, but I really believe that posting at different times on different days is the best way because then you will reach a larger audience of people who are online at different times.  It's easy to over-think it though, so I'm not sure if the timing really matters.

When writing your articles try to include a call to action near the end of your article.  A call to action is when you ask for votes, or comments, or followers and things like that.  It's important to include this in your articles because that's what reminds people to take the time to click that vote button and things like that.  I know it seems obvious, but some people just don't vote so much and need to be reminded to vote.  Like I said before, voting is essential, it's not just for curation points, it also gets you more followers when you vote more often.

In fact, here's my call to action, if you followed me because I voted for you then please leave a comment below to prove how important voting is.  You can comment for any reason, of course.  But I really think that a lot of people just don't vote often enough.  Maybe it's none of my business how much you vote, but I will say, it's important to vote.


Hey anomly, your philosophy sounds not only good but logical. And it works too because I came here because you welcomed me and upvoted me on my introduction post. So of course I am following you now lol.
But hey, it lead me to this article and got some great advice.

I can see from reading a coupe of your posts that you are rather adapt at programming. I do have some friends who are programmers and they are great guys to be around. However, even after all the numerous hours I have spent with them, I have never learned anything about the mysterious world of code. But one thing I will say, I am sure extremely grateful that we have those who can. Cheers ;)

👍👍👍 upvoted indeed

Interesting, i've been trying to get my content to be seen but it appears that it goes down in the feed very fast it becomes invisible. Will try this for sure!

U should be number one to comment

do you mean i should be the first to comment on my post?

Hi Eliashanna. Keep trying and growing. Never give up. :) Also, Btehki Arabi?

Hi Nideo, yes behki Arabi. i'm Lebanese, and you?

Oh nice!!! Ana kaman! I am Syrian-American living in Los Angeles! Nice to meet you. I used to go to Lebanon when I was a kid all the time and loved it! :)

That must be cheating my friend :)

indeed a great post for new beginners! thank you !

NEW beginners? What about old beginners?

You got one more follower mate. ;)
I post crypto related news almost everyday. Take a look.

I like that you said what you do in your comment.

Ooic. See your page

Upvoted and followed u!
This information is important for me and for other people (I think). :)
Thank's for sharing!

OUTSTANDING! People should vote up articles that are helpful. Many people will follow the whales on this platform, but when you find excellent articles by new folks... great! Do not follow the money, follow the great content that is provided here on SteemIT!

We may all learn something new. Is not what this platform is all about?

Have a great week everybody and steem on!

Well spoken sir. I am new here, and I enjoyed reading voices like yours. I believe this community has the potential to set an example for the new world, and if we encourage quality over quantity, then we are just reacting to the last scarcity based system. Follow your heart, and the money will come. Please keep participating!

I couldn't agree more @sargento. It's good that this kind of mindset prevails over others. Can't we just have fun learning, appreciating and helping one another with the power of words and not necessarily getting paid by it...

Truly a wake up call man, if we want a positive revolution in this platform. Shalom @sargento

So I've followed you, upvoted you and resteemed you.

Personally, I dislike these:
"Follow me."
"Read my blog"
"Upvote me and I'll upvote you"
Messages. Then again, I'm English and we see this as Bad Form lol.

I agree; I felt the same way about people asking me to do it. I feel a sense of responsibility on SteemIt to reward good citizenship and effort. Rewarding begging will just turn this community into a large pool of beggers who crowd out the true powerful potential of the platform as a vehicle to transform global culture.

Exactly, nothing spells desperation and don't follow me like asking for followers and likes. If someone genuinely wants to, they will, and they'll probably actually like your content for its substance.

Great advice, lets be active and social, it's easy. Why make billions when we can make millions!

STATS 29 AUGUST 2017 n Pic.jpg

@super-grand-ad - upvote 173 -
Clicked the Resteem and a Comment -
All this because you upvoted my last post Thank You anomaly -
For those who missed my last post click the http link -


an a Upvote would be nice

Yup! You just voted for me. No comment though... :(
Gonna go check out your other blogs. See if you're worth a follow!!
Loving the advice. Thank you so much for that, it's super helpful