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RE: My Heart Aches - My Good Friend’s Labor and Birth Experience - Another Unplanned Cesarean

in #life7 years ago

Don't watch The Business of Being Born if you don't think C-sections are a huge money making scam by doctors! It's craziness. That's wild that the nurse told her that. What year is this??? 1960s? So crazy. That is sad for her. My SIL was told that her baby was breech and she had to have a C-section. When they went in to get her ready, they told her the baby really wasn't breech but they had already prepped her for the section, so she said to go ahead and do it. Crazy. I was told with my second that I was "this close" to have a section because his heart rate kept dropping after being induced and on an epidural. They kept coming in and waking me up to change positions. Then they finally checked me and he was crowning. I never had another hospital birth after that. Birth stories are so interesting to me! I'm glad she is okay and so is the baby but sad she didn't get the birth she wanted.


Right!!! I watched that film and it was truly an eye opener. I wanted to call her so bad and say “STOP” don’t let them do it!!! But I felt I would have been out of line and doing too much. Ughhh it’s just so frustrating knowing they tell laboring mothers these tales to get their way. That’s why so many women feel they can’t birth naturally now because it’s getting less common to do it that way. I sure wish she would have been able to get a midwife.

What? That’s crazy how they did your SIL!!! 😳 I know of a couple that went through the same thing you experienced. They were told the baby’s heart rate was dropping and they needed to do an “emergency” c-section for his safety. The couple went with their gut instinct that their baby was okay and the mother needed to have him naturally. Their baby came out strong and healthy as ever.

I’m so sad my friend didn’t get the birth she wanted and prepared for. I feel like she was robbed of a miracle.