
Hey sunshine, i check this a few times a day and it just now showed me your responses lol Oh steemit lol Glad you are doing well.

Yea, I have to refresh to see new things lately. Lol, the Steemit PTB are working so very hard to correct all these little things!

with the exception of the first week I have to refresh as soon as I log in every time. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not so much lol

Huh. It's new to me. I use Chrome. You?

Oh, I also wanted to ask if you are going to be posting photos of your therapy dog when you get him or her?

absolutely. It might be a while though because my mom is dying and I have to spend a lot of the money I've saved to go home and visit for a few days. I'm hoping I will be able to get another dog soon. Still looking for a larger place that I can afford though :)

Yes. I am truly sorry you are going through that. I hope you remember I am here for you if you need to talk. Or be distracted ;)

too bad you don't live closer. I'd say drinks are in order lol