WOW! That’s so profound!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Getting those WOW-moments has a great impact on what we write about and how we write our stories.

How `sharp’ are we to get WOW-moments:

You can go looking for them, or they can occur at any unexpected random moments. 

  • It requires an `open mind’ to everything you hear and see. That is, being willing to be carefully observant, just in case something turns up. 
  • And if you are keen to find and to understand stuff, the extraordinary dynamic facts somehow start to stand out from whatever that has been said. 
  • Being willing and eager to discover new stuff is a great factor in getting those truly fascinating facts. 

Being a keen thinker and interested in everything we see, read and hear… prepares us and our sub-conscious for personal WOW revelation. 

What was it that caught your attention?

  • Words of wisdom somehow standout and contrast from the crowd of words we hear or read. Then your mind starts comparing it with what you already know. Maybe because we like to be contrary and take a double take on things. 
  • Sometimes it takes something to be said differently that `strikes a chord’ with us personally. Perhaps it was seen or spoken about from a different angle. That’s why I often explain the `same old thing’ in different ways. 

Very importantly:

It depends on what stage of experience and learning curve we are on, that we are ready and willing to accept the gems of wisdom when they come our way. 

Most people are too quick to judge what they have read or heard. And in the process, miss the important gems of knowledge waiting just there for them to pick out and re-evaluate it, to see if it fits into their own personal needs. 

The way it is said:

It could be the tone of voice or the jaunty jargon used, that got you thinking twice on the matter.  

Sometimes it’s something silly that got you laughing. You laugh because you know it’s so true, that’s the way people behave. Shame, you think to yourself, even you do it! If everyone is doing it, it adds to how funny it is! 

  • Even if a person is really talking a lot of rubbish, you never know there might be an interesting `gem’ in somewhere in what they’re saying. Have you ever noticed, `silly’ people tend to say the most profound things?  
  • So it’s important to listen carefully to what everyone says, there may just be something there you can use. You gain friends from doing that too! 
  • But like `many a thing said in jest’ it’s the lopsided anecdote that’s profoundly true, that makes us go away and reflect (think) on it more seriously

The way we think…

Is affected by what we know and what we have learnt

  1. How excited are you to learn something new? The power and thrill of learning exciting stuff, generates and stimulates us. 
  2. And all that excitement and enthusiasm, gets transferred into the way we write. 

And… Once our THINKING  and absorbing`POWER HAT’ is switched on… 

Our whole outlook on life changes:

We sparkle with enthusiasm, because we know there is a whole wild world of information and profound ideas just waiting out there to be used.

And you see how it improves the way you think up and write your books, and of cause the way you write blogs.

All it takes is a little willing extra thought and imagination to do the rest, to spark it off! 


Now all my moments will be wow....

Life is one WOW moment to the next, if we make it so!

Writings are very fascinating indeed and very important
We must change ourselves to the best and to the finest

Sure, writing is a fascinating enterprise.
Our whole attitude to life and what happens around us, has a great affect on how we relate to life and how we do things.

Most welcome my dear friend @artguru
That's great writing. I appreciate your every post. thanks for sharing... best of luck in your new post.

Thanks you my dear friend

Welcome my favorite Man @artguru
Congratulations for your post..
Very nice story. I like it.... thanks for you my dear friend

Thank you dear for your post.
I always love your writing because your writing very creative and inspirational.

When I write these blogs, I hope it will help someone out there. So it makes it all so worthwhile when someone actually found it inspirational.

Your writting always too good.Your writting skills is very impressive.Writting is veryimportant skills to show your self.Thanks for sharing this great story.I always like your posts.Your all posts are valuable for me.I learn from your posts.dear@Artguru.

I have been wondering why some many comments here, for this blog, have called the blog a STORY!!
I only included the word `story' as a keyword/tag, because the blog is about how to write stories! That is: how to find exciting things to write about.

Wow. just wow mem

I am your post upvote and resteemit done.

just reestim it............

very expressive picture that inspires creativity and creativity in writing
great post