Being important is not so important but knowing what is important is very importantsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

 As with everyone over the festive season, I spent a lot of time visiting with my family and old friends and it goes with saying that I had wonderful time. Catching up with what they all have been up is not only interesting but somehow an important part of the yearly tradition. And talking about what is important, what is important seems to have become somewhat blurred in modern times.  In a conversation with one of my nieces, she asked; "how many followers I had on Steemit?".  "I don't really know, it´s not important". I replied  My niece was rather shocked at this and then eagerly told me that she had over 5000 followers on twitter and regularly got hundreds of "likes" on her Facebook posts. This, in her mind, made her "important". When I asked "why?", her logic was that; the more followers you had, the more people listened to your opinion and therefore your opinion had more value. "So what you consider as important is to do with the numbers then?" I asked. "Of course" She replied. "I see. So then those who have only a few "followers" are less important. And continuing on that logic, that would also mean that famous people are more important than non-famous people?" I asked. To my utter surprise she totally agreed.  I was more than a little disappointed. "That is strange because some of the most important lessons and advice I have had in my life have come from people whom you would consider as being unknown who had no followers at all". I responded

 Over the last 25 years I have seen this growing trend in how numbers have taken control over how we perceive importance. I could not foresee how this trend would play out over time, but my gut instinct told me it was not good and possibly dangerous to society as a whole. In a world governed by numbers there are only two numbers that count. The first is the number ONE and the second is the largest number you personally perceive as being "important".
You are important if you are; the No1 richest person in the world, the No1 sports person or No1 on the famous celebrity "A" list. And so on.

 A tragedy, an accident or disaster, is deemed as being more "news worthy" the higher the number of deaths involved. In the 1990s there was a train crash in London due to the rail tracks being made of low quality.
The sub-headline in one newspaper said; "It could have been far worse, but luckily there were only 20 deaths" - "Only" 20 deaths.  

At the time it seemed to me that only I was bothered about this. I wrote a letter to the newspaper reminding them that those "only 20 people" all had mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, as well as friends, who would all be attending a heartbreaking funeral and have to live with their loss for the rest of their lives. No doubt the reason I did not get a reply was because I was deemed as not important. I was not famous, rich or royal, thus my opinion did not matter. Not getting a reply was not particularly important to me, but what was important was that I listened to my conscience and acted upon it  The fact that the train crash happened at all was also as a result of the deadly "importance of numbers" virus. In a numbers world the most important numbers will always be related to money. When UK railway service was put out to tender by the British government (underThatcher), the public were told that privatisation would reduce the price of a ticket as well as improve customer service. Sadly, time has shown that the very opposite happened.

22 years later it is now more expensive than ever to travel and the quality get lower each year. Such as the railway tracks. The train de-railed that day because the old tracks had been replaced by ones of a much lower quality. Why? Because the numbers demanded it. In particular the numbers related to profits. Profits demanded that the old worn out railway tracks be replaced with the cheapest rather than most reliable. The lower quality caused them to buckle under the weight of the train causing the deaths of "only" 20 non-important people.

As a result of this, I began protesting on the streets of my local town warning of putting "profit over people" decades before it as used as trendy phrase. Time has shown that my voiced concerns made no difference at all.
I guess I was deemed as being "not important".  

 The "importance of numbers“ virus struck again 22 years later in June 2017 with horrific consequences

A tower block in London went up in flames so fast that 71 non-important people were burnt alive. As the gruesome details came out it was revealed that the outer panels and balconies were made of flammable material.

The tower block had recently been refurbished and the building contractors used a cheaper material over a more expensive one. I suppose it was important to them to make a profit. The other thing that was important was that the material passed Government fire safety regulations. However, does anyone believe for a second that, if the residents of Grenfell tower were rich or famous, that cheaper material would have been used?
Immediately after the disaster residents of the area began demanding justice. But deep down we all know that their protest will be forgotten and wash away like tears in the rain.  
They poor and the poor are not important, right?

So what exactly is important and who gets to decide what is? 

 Back in 1990s I began to fear that defining "what is important" by the numbers, could be potentially dangerous to society. It could gradually erode moral values to a point where the value of human life itself might be viewed as either a commodity or a liability.
In the cold ruthless eyes of business, the poor, the unemployed, the old and the sick are a liability. They do not contribute to God of profit and so are "unimportant". At least to the business machine. Sadly the recent hospital crises in the UK highlights this dilemma very well. Hospital staff are over-whelmed, over worked, over tired and under-paid. The UK Government health minister, Jeremy Hunt, sat in a TV interview telling of how proud Britain was of its health service while at the same time doctors and nurses were phoning radio stations in desperation telling that they did not know how they could possibly carry on.

If the so called civilised western world really viewed human beings as more important than money then the hospitals and the care-homes would be given the highest financial priority. The truth is the health service is now run like a business, and as with all businesses, the goal is to make a profit.  In America prisons are now run by private organisations. Can anyone honestly tell be for that there is no incentive to make the prisons profitable?  

 In 2008 the world learned with devastating consequences what happens when banks, insurance companies and corporations, view making a profit more important than doing their duty. The business of banks is to make money, I understand that, but when was it decided that, making money by using lies, deceit and corruption, was more important than keeping your conscience clean?

My father was an accountant. One night I woke up during the early hours and got up to get a glass of milk. I saw the light on in my fathers office and went in. He was still up working on the yearly accounts for the firm he worked for. In those days there were no computers and was using one of those old adding machines.

He told me of that the numbers in the accounts were a holy thing. He was allowed to try and make the numbers work better so that the company paid less tax, but at the end of the day, the accounts had to be truthful. In the1960s & 70s, the period my father worked, accountants were the holy grail of truth. Share prices were trusted because everyone believe that the account books were balanced honestly. However, somewhere along the way the accountants began to become corrupted by their CEOs. If they could manipulate the books to make the company look more valuable than it really was then they would receive a sports cars holiday home or huge salary bins etc.

Suddenly stock-market share prices could no longer be trusted with the result being that they became dangerously over inflated. This was one of the main reasons that lead to the downfall of the Lehman Brothers. When it was revealed that Lehman Brothers had billions of toxic assets that had been hidden, its share price plummeted at free-fall speed. Making a profit for its shareholders had become the most important thing. As we all know, Lehman Brothers were just the tip if the iceberg.

Eventually it was revealed that the entire financial industry was knee deep in corruption. Gradually, morals and honour have been deemed of having no importance in the financial world. Even after the devastation the financial crash caused world wide I believe that this still has not changed today. Apart from the loss of jobs and loss of homes, it is estimated that over 4 million people died from as a direct result of the financial crises.  

It appears that mankind has made greed more important than need.
But it is all of mankind? 

Deep down we all know what is important. Morals, (what is right and wrong) are built into our very DNA. Even genetic scientists now admit this even though they have no explanation why. I would hazard a guess and say that; family, friends, health and peace would be top of the list of most people. But seeing as though I have been highlighting the importance of numbers, I suppose you might be curious to know what is officially viewed as being the No1 most important thing in life. Well surely I don't have to tell you because we all know very well that it is LOVE is. Without love, life would be meaningless. It would be merely existence for existence sake.

The only human beings who do not have an in-built moral code and do not value love, are psychopaths. For some unknown reason these cold hearted calculating creatures are born without a conscience or empathy. And regarding love, psychopaths are simply incapable of it.  
In a recent study made by Dr Robert Hare (the world´s leading expert on psychopathy) he stated; "as high as 7 out of 10 people who worked in banks, corporations and on stock-market, score very high on the psychopathy scale"
This study lead to a new term know as "corporate psychopaths". Considering that psychopaths have no sense of right or wrong, have no honor or conscience, then perhaps it is not too surprising why the financial world has become so corrupt. Dr Hare stated that; "Money, power and self gratification, are the most important thing to the psychopath." Therefore it does not take a Sherlock Holmes to deduce why they are attracted to the finical world.  


The problem is, when you then decide to make the railway service, the prisons, the hospitals and the care-homes for the elderly, into a business, then the "corporate psychopath" type will also be attracted to management positions in the "care-business" industry. All of a sudden we have someone who has no conscience and no empathy in charge of an area where having a conscience and empathy is of the highest importance. Without a conscience to guide us in doing the morally right thing, and without empathy towards our fellow human-beings, we would all just lie to each-other, swindle each other and perhaps wipe each other out. Without there being enough honest people around, dishonest people simply could not exist. If everyone were dishonest who could we trust? Who would to do their job correctly? The world would simply fall apart and stop.  

 It is clear that the UK, and other European countries are in as crises of understanding; "what is important".  
So is America.
I like to believe that most Americans are decent hard working folk and, on the whole, try to do the right thing. Therefore it is somewhat of a mystery how a man, who appears to lie incessantly, have very little moral standards, and is so obviously narcissistic, ever become America´s most important citizen?
Something is wrong here. 

When I was 14 I told a lie to my grandmother. She found out. 

She took me to one side and said this; "Arthur, when you tell just one single lie, how do I know that the next thing you say is not a lie? Am I supposed to guess which is the truth and which is a lie? Do you understand why it is important to tell the truth?"
I never forgot that lesson. With that in mind, can anyone honestly tell me that they believe a single word any politician says in these modern times? And yet we have all been partly responsible for putting them into positions where we all agree that it is "important" that they are honest and do the right thing.  

Earlier I started that the No1 most important thing in life is love. But in order to love and to be loved back, there has to be trust. And trust can only exist if both parties agree that honesty and respect is important. And honesty and respect can only exist if we have a conscience. Therefore, in my humble opinion, I believe that having a clean conscience is the most important thing in life.
I once had a friend who would visit terminally ill people in hospital. One day I met him returning from the hospital and I asked him how many terminally ill patients he had visited in life. "Oh about 3000." He said. He went on to tell that, over the years, he had started to see a pattern. Those who had a clear conscience tended to have no fear of dying, whereas those who had hurt people; stole, cheated or swindled others, tended to die a fearful fretful death. Even those who were atheists. It was not fear of death that tortured them, but their conscience.  

 A psychiatrist friend of mine once told me; "It is virtually impossible to destroy the human conscience. When we are young we can lie and cheat easily because our body and mind are strong. We can suppress the conscience with little effort. But as we get older we gradually lose this youthful strength and the lying and cheating comes back with a vengeance. Our conscience never forgets and the body and the mind starts pays the price with illnesses either physical or mental".  
I don't know about you, but I would rather leave this earth peacefully and without fear. 

Psychopaths of course have no conscience to bother them. They have no fear either so to them it makes no difference. The psychopath simply sniggers at death. Looking at it from that standpoint it sounds rather advantageous to be a psychopath. However, all that sniggers is not gold. You may or may not know that psychopaths are extremely jealous of "normal people". They are jealous because normal people have "real" feelings and these "real" feelings enable us to experience love, joy and forms of happiness. As well as great sadness and despair.

The psychopath knows full well that they can never experience any of these things and it bothers them.  They see a group of friends laughing together in a bar and the wonder what the hell is so funny? They see couples who are "in love" embrace each other and wonder what the hell is so special? They see people crying at funerals and wonder what all the fuss is about? - after all it is just a dead body. The psychopath does not have the capability to feel deeply about anything and as such one could say they are not really alive. One could argue that they are a kind of living dead. I don't know about you but I place high importance on having feelings. For without feeling there is no meaning.  

So if you are in the least confused about what is important, just listen to your conscience.
Look to your feelings and not to the numbers.
Numbers have value and are good for measuring things but numbers should not be used for measuring the value of a persons life.
What is important is to be true to yourself as well as to others.

Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you got something from it.
I wish you a warn welcome back in advance. @arthuradamson


What is important is that we all treat each other with respect as equal human-beings on this island earth

Welcome back my friend @arthuradamson. First off how was your holidays, CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year events...? I hope you had enjoyed a lot with your family and friends.
A lot of amazing things have been happened in the industry and some are going on in 2018.
I congratulate you that steem has been very high now and it seems it will go up and up with the passage of time.
Coming toward the topic. Believe me it's most touching blog I have ever read in my life. You really analyzed the human psyche in a great way. Although its too hurting but personally while reading I appreciated you several time. I know your heart is so sensitive. You are a very friendly man and you want peace everywhere in the world. So such type of cruel and bad incidents will make you cry only due to your feeler personality type. I am very upset too to read entire blog. Finally your last paragraph gave me some relief:

So if you are in the least confused about what is important, just listen to your conscience. Look to your feelings and not to the numbers. Numbers have value and are good for measuring things but numbers should not be used for measuring the value of a persons life.

What is important is to be true to yourself as well as to others.

You have written a Million dollar worth blog. Nobody can reach to the level of humanity of yours. Truly a very generous and nice man you're m friend @arthuradamson. I'm so blessed that I'm connected with you. Lots of prayers and blessing for you. Stay Awesome!

My dear friend, I thank you from my heart for your wonderful and touching words.
Yes I had a nice peaceful christmas with my family and I feel I have got my energy and joy back.
I know this post must have been difficult to read because it was difficult to write. I was so affected by talking with my niece that I simply had to express myself. But I do feel there is hope for the future. People are tired of corruption and they are tired of having nothing to believe in. We must try to bring back the good side of mankind some how and some way. We are all divine creatures of something that is divine that no one really understands, and yet we have such capacity for love and forgiveness. It is higher side to our human nature that gives me hope.
So good to hear from you and I sincerely hope you had a peaceful time with your family over the festive season. Best wishes for 2018 and stay blessed : )

Yes I can understand that how pain you had to bear while talking to your niece Dear @arthuradamson. Today's young generation is being used artificial stuff and want to be live in artificial life, which is actually a spam. But now elders like parents and uncles can't do more except firefighting. Anyways hope you will continue your blogging or will carry on a break till mid of January..?

I so understand you my good friend.

Always keep smiling dearest friend @arthuradamson!
By the way just need your feedback on my recent blog. Thanks!

Well said, Arthur! As always I am pretty much of the same opinion. Had to smile in the first part of your post, when you wrote about the likes and how they might be related to being important. With my job, I have met some "very important" people. People who have reached high positions in society... funny thing is, that the most "important" ones never had a fb or twitter account...

The one question I've been having about the most important thing in live is, whether it really is love, or health. At least, you just as much as say, there is no love, with certain forms of "mental illness", so being healthy would be fundamental for love. Then again, you can love and be loved, when you are not healthy... my head is starting to spin.

On a different note... and what people use to rate your importance. Here in Germany, people from certain areas think they are better than others. Those who live in a bigger village, bigger town or bigger city feel more advanced and more important than the ones coming from a smaller place. It was so funny, when I moved from small town idiot area to Chicago. Just living in a city 3 times the size of Berlin put you right to the top! Moved back to a place I love... Now I'm unimportant again 🤪

I always treasure your replies Reinhard, you are so wise and so intelligent I feel it is an honour to have you as a friend here on Steemit. I understand what you mean regarding "important people" - I have worked as a designer/illustrator for some very rich and powerful people and the more "important they are the less they seemed to act important but more like down to earth folk.
I agree that probably health it the most important thing - if you are too ill or mentally ill to be able to love, then the love part comes from the nurses who care for them sincerely. Without the love and empathy of decent nurses where would we be?

Your story of moving to towns and cities and then returning made me laugh lol. What does it say in the Bible: "A person can not be a profit in their own town" lol
Personally I rather like being unimportant. When I was young I wanted so much to be famous. As I have grown older I began to see though the nonsense. What does it all mean of you do not have contentment within. Marylin Monroe was one of the most famous people who has ever lived and yet she was miserable. She needed all that attention to cove her internal pain, but if you use attention as a form of self medication then it will never be enough. You will crave attention for the rest of your life and it will end up being your own form of torture. Look at how the Hollywood stars go under the knife of the plastic surgeon and do anything to get their name or picture in the newspaper.
Fame can help an artist sell their work easier but that is about all. If your painting does not satisfy your own creative needs then fame will not help you achieve contentment. It took me a long time to realise that and it changed my entire view of art and why I paint. It also opened my eyes to being able to see other artists who are genuine. Such as yourself Reinhard.
Best wishes for 2018 my talented friend.

Dear Arthur, the pleasure is all mine and it means a lot to me to have you as a friend here. Your posts are always very valuable for me and I'm thrilled, when I see you taking the time to answer my comments.

Feel exactly like you about being important. Particularly by today's superficial standards. I want to be important to the ones close to me, but in a different sense.

So true, what you say about artists and the pursuit of fame. Of course, I wanted to be famous too, when I started out. Getting some recognition helps you to better cope with self doubt and like you say, it makes it easier to sell your work and make a living... But when success by itself becomes the primary goal, I don't think you achieve the peace of mind we all seek in the end.

Thank you for what you said about me. I feel the same way about you!

Nicely said Reinhard. I have great respect for you my good fellow and I mean that sincerely. I look forward to 2018 and seeing more of your art and reading more of your posts.

Welcome Back My Friend @arthuradamson,

after many days you log in here, where you buzy in these days, are you ok, your health....?? I daily check your profile but in vain, i am much worry about you .

I really miss you,

I have many good friends here, but you are most respectable for me, you always support me and due to which i am here and proud to be a friend like you.

Your writing skills are no doubt unique to compare to other. so keep writing daily and be more active here.

Take Care Of You & Stay Blessed.

Hi Rabeel, thank you so much for your kind words. This Christmas was one of the most busiest of my life. Much travelling visiting different members of my family. I had hardly any time to be on here. It warms my heart to hear that you missed me. This tells me what a genuine person you are and I am glad to know you her on Steemit.
I will be trying to get back into my normal routine now.
Stay blessed my good friend.

Ohhhhhhhhhh so nice, its means you enjoyed the holidays much and celebrate Christmas with your family and friends thats good.Thanks A Lot your Loved fillet Compliment. realy glad to see you here,.
best wishes for you.

@arthuradamson you pulled so many subjects in this post and all the time I was reading it I was making sort of conversation with you in my head :) Coming from Eastern Europe, Balkans to be more precise, so many things you mentioned here are so familiar to me. You see, during 1998 I lived under bombs that were falling over our capital for three months.. All the time after it stopped I was wondering why some things were destroyed, some specific buildings in some specific areas..well because of the land and position. Our politicians made good deals with foreign investors, sold them that land, took their share, devastated the land and sold as a cheep labour. Also, TV and news helped a lot in that brain washing mashine, because if they say so on TV it is true, right?
Small number of people who think their heads are enemies and don't have so many ''numbers'' ...
But, reading and getting involved in politics topic I believe it's becoming world trend ..Brainwashing, making people work that much that thay don't have time to think, only think of pure existence..
Feelings, they also try to manipulate with them, manipulate with fear, the strong emotion and by keeping it warm all the time ruling is safe..
Some people who raise voice if they are ''important'' are being spined immediately in public, and those not important, well who cares..
So, I believe more and more we live in Fahrenheit 451, and it's just moment of time when we will escape to the preserve emotions..

I hear you @jungwatercolor and I agree. Farenheit 451 is a good example.
Yet I have hope for the future. Things are changing for the better. But change is slow in these disconcerting times. Hold on, stay strong and please continue to bring truth and joy into this injured world with your amazing and beautiful work.
I do not quite understand how or why such creative work as yours brings good and positive energy into the world, all I know is that it does. New scientific research on quantum physics is pointing to the fact that we are all some connected on a sub-molecular level. A quantum level. This means that when something dramatic happens that can change history then we somehow all know it - feel it. It is known as the "10th Monkey" phenomenon.
Basically: 100 monkeys are kept in a cage.
10 monkeys are then taken out and put into a separate cage.
One of the 10 monkeys are then taught how to open a bottle of cocoa cola and then put the lid back on. It usually takes about 3 weeks to train this "skill". This monkey is then put back into the cage of the other 9 monkeys. This monkey then "teaches" them how to open the cola bottle and put the lid back on. When the last monkey "the 10th Monkey" can do this then something very strange happens. All the other 90 monkeys suddenly know how to open the cola bottle and put the lid back on. Even though that have never been shown what to do. This means that the monkeys are somehow communicating in a way we do not yet understand. Not surprisingly it seems the same thing happens with us. Therefore, we we do, even if is seems small, it is having an affect on all of us. This means when you create a painting it is having an affect on the all of is some way that we do not yet understand. However, I suggest that if the painting is made from the heart and it beautiful the its affect is a positive one rather than a negative one.
In this way, all the good people in the world are waking up and sensing each other and begin to want a change. At a certain point, just as with the "10th monkey" we will all know what to do at the same time.

All of us are like cogs in a clock. Some cogs are small, some are large, some are so very tiny you need a magnifying glass to see it. Yet take jus tone cog away and the watch cannot function and stops. In this way, we are all as important as each other. The problem today is, some of the big cogs seem themselves as being more important in the clock because they are seen more. They are wrong. The small and tiny cogs must be true to the truth and understand that they are just as important. .

Powerful thoughts...too much to absorb in one sitting...

I agree with what "should" be important...most of us really begin to wrestle with that as we get older and limitations set in...of course...everyone's DNA is different and there are those who die with their boots on still pretending they have the energy and needs of their youth...

But...especially in USA...its become very expensive to "live"...even if frugal...the cost of living forces one to make financial career choices that may not nourish their soul...if one marries...has children...absorbs the respondsibilties associated wiht that...they are often forced to stay in a job just to make ends meet...and we often come across individuals who are able to play the system to their benefit and grab more than they trying to balance conscious with reality becomes a real struggle... heart...I believe most people know what should truly matter in life...just my time with the Steemit forum has validated that ..and despite all the horror the news portrays...if more people were bad vs good...the world would fall in on itself...but...lets face it...we don't always get the recognition or thumbs up approval for doing real daily human things...and unfortunately...we humans seem to thrive on validation... we evolve...we seem to face a major tension between becoming more "machine like" vs more " spiritually human"....society seems to reward "machine like success" far will it go? I don't know...its a tug of war with no obvious winner...meanwhile I will do the best I can in my little sphere to tug the rope more to feeling human.

Powerful response my good fellow.
I agree, it was much to take in. I simple had to get it out. The issue burned within me over the festive period, especially after this talk I had with my niece.
You capture the terrible dilemma in these tragic modern times. It has all come about ever so slowly that no one has really noticed it coming. Rather like the story of the frog placed in a pan of cold water and is heated up so slowly it does not notice that it is being boiled alive.
The real problem lies in the fact that society had become what is known as a "psychopathic society"- This is a known phenomenon that happens when psychopathic types are in positions of authority. The conditions are gradually created so that "normal" people are pushed into being more psychopathic - meaning less empathic, less caring, forced to choose between doing the right thing and bending the rules in order to make ends meet.
The way I see it, the only way this can be turned around is to create a system that ensures those with psychopathic traits can not get into positions of power. Like we have laws to stop convicted pedophiles working with children, we can have laws to stop psychopaths having position where care and honesty is important. We have the technology to do that today,. A no painful brain scan can reveal a psychopath within an hour. We could have it that any person going into politics etc could volunteer to have their brain scanned for psychopathy traits. I would not recommend that disqualify them but it would at least give the citizen, the voter, the knowledge that this person has no conscience to stop them from doing the wrong thing. Just some thoughts I had.
Thank you @bobreedo you always give thoughtful and wise answers and I always appreciate them.

Well, first off, our money is a lie.
That sorta destroys everything that is based on it.

Prices are meant to tell us how much something costs, so we can make decisions on how much energy to trade for it.

But now, prices are whatever they can get you to think its worth.
Is an iPhone really worth more than another Chinese made smart phone?

There are lies everywhere in our society. They will be cleaned up little by little now that we have noticed their destructive nature.

Well said my good fellow. I agree,
I have also noticed a turning in the public consciousness. People have had enough of the swindles and the lies. Most people just want to live a happy life having good times with family and friends and not worry about not having enough income to pay for a home. I have never once met anyone who wanted power to rule their country but I suppose there are those who do. And so we put our trust and faith in those whom we believe are genuine to take of our land for us and hope they have good and honourable intentions. And then they let us down with their lies and deceit. The banks whom we trust to take care of our money get involved in illegal activities such as money laundering and worse. And when they are caught . nothing happens. It has become one rule the rich and another for the poor. Things need to change.

My friend your niece sees the world as so many do these days. They have no concept of real interactions with people and society.

Just hope I can instill enough values and morals in my Girls before they go out into the world.

I am sure you will my good friend. I know your story and therefore I know you are a decent man who is a great father. I am certain your children will go out and help make this world a better place. When you have good intentions then that is a good place to start. Wonderful to hear from you and best wishes for 2018 my good fellow : )

Thank you! Always nice to hear good things like this.

This winter break the kids have taken upon themselves to help an elderly neighbor. They have been keeping her driveway and sidewalk clear. She is in her 90's and lives alone. I've been going with them and they refuse to take money for their efforts. She has tried to pay them and they tell her there is no need. Twice in sub zero weather they have been out there shoveling snow to make sure our neighbor can leave her house if she needs to. This is the type of thing I love to see.

Hope your 2018 brings you happiness and prosperity.

What a wonderful Christmas true story my friend, it really warmed my heart in this cold winters evening.

These kids will do that. Our neighbor was nearly in tears when she was thanking us and explaining that due to her balance she can't go outside if it's slick at all. She thought she was going to be stuck inside for 2 weeks until the person that normally shovels her snow returned from vacation.

Our neighbor is the same age as my Grandparents and I really think seeing and being part of taking care of them has helped the kids learn some extra compassion...well not just the kids it has helped me also.

Just wonderful, really wonderful my good friend. Hearing such things as this fills my heart with hope for the future. I have already told this to several of my friends and family and they were brought to tears. You can proud : )

Always nice to hear it from others. Naturally I'm proud of them...they are my kids.

you just said it all @arthuradamson
.it is greed that made us to take plessure against what is our norm or less important towards human being.thanks my good friend for sharing this encouraging message.once again welcome back.

Thank you my good fellow. I hope all is well with you : )

i thank God sir.

One is need to think over what is important for himself at the moment and instead what his/her heart saying. I do believe this Emotions Vs Logic.
Mind Vs Heart. My Father also told me You should first that thing which is important as per your mind and not follow your heart all the time.
Quite Similar thoughts we have My Friend @arthuradamson

By the way nice writing style you got Man! This is really a worth reading article for all the steemians out there. Try to share it with students of your area it will definitely change their perception towards life.

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

I agree. The challenge in life is always to find a balance between feelings and logic. In the end our feelings are what gives meaning. Without feelings we would be only logical and there would be no difference between us and computers. Computers will never be able to "feel" the simple joy of tasting good food, or the shear wonder of that first kiss with your first lover.
Thank you for your kind words my good fellow : )

To me Both factors are necessary but there should some balance between Heart and Brain. Impressed by the example you put and made your comment more logical for me. Discussion with you made me to think in more better way as far as approach of life is concerned. Thanks for your kind appreciation The Great Soul @arthuradamson