Have you ever seen or met someone who represents someone you fear you might turn out like when you are old?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

 There is someone like that for me in my village. He is known as "the fallen professor".

He turned 70 years old last week and suffers from Multiple sclerosis. He drinks heavily to numb the constant pain and also walks with a crutch. He was once a highly respected architect but those days are long gone. People tend to ignore him because of his drinking because when he drinks too much he can become quite hostile.

People who follow my blog know that I live in a quite little village with about 2000 other inhabitants. Living in such a small community, well I suppose I don't need to say the obvious in that everyone pretty much knows each other. As an artist I run my own small gallery which has its own little cafe attached. So when I m not selling paintings I might be helping out in the cafe selling coffee. And it was in the cafe that I first met "the professor". He was hostile to begin with but I persevered. I wanted to know how he ended up in this bitter state. I wanted to know for the very reason of the title of this blog. Because for me, this person represented someone I secretly feared I might end up like. A bitter and twisted old drunk whom people laughed at and ignored. And on top of that, having a worn out body that was incessantly painful.

To me that was a living hell on earth.
Forgive me, but it was by providing the poor fellow with wine that I learned his story. Little by little, glass by glass he told of how he was once the shining star of the architect world until one day he got a hair-brained idea to build a hotel under water. He was so convinced of this idea that he risked everything he had on it, even though all his friends, family and work colleagues all told him it would not work. Then, back in the 1970s, someone in the Bahamas actually built such a underwater hotel. It lasted no more than a year before going bankrupt and today that hotel is a rusting old piece of junk at the both of the ocean. However, still he was convinced that his hotel would work. In the end it destroyed his reputation and therefore his career. Work dried up and no one would touch him with a barge pole. He began to become bitter which inevitably lead to trouble with his marriage. Then he got the news that he had multiple sclerosis. What can I say, when the soul is in pain the body cries out. Right?
This lead to his wife divorcing him saying that she would; "not be burdened looking after a sick self pitying old man for the rest of her life" A year later his ex wife re-married one of his best friends.
A tough blow by anyones standards.
Three years went by and the professor became even more bitter with life. But then, as if the universe felt sorry for the guy, he met another woman. And this woman was perfect for him. He grew to love her with all his heart and slowly, very slowly be began to feel happier. He had about two years of this happiness when it was suddenly interrupted with the news that his love and saviour had breast cancer. By all accounts she was very brave and put up a good fight, but she died. The professor had tears in his eyes when he told me that part. And then he quickly downed his glass of red wine and asked if he could have another. After hearing that how could I deny the poor bastard another drink? 

It has always been in my nature to want to help the underdogs in life. 

In school I would try hard to protect the smaller kids from the bullies in the play ground and later defend my fellow work mates from tyrannical bosses.
I thought long and hard on how I could somehow help to make the life of the "fallen professor" a little less of a burden. However, I was at a loss.
In the end I made a deal with the old guy that he could have a free meal in the cafe three days a week but he had to pay for the wine himself. I figured he would drink wine anyway, however, I did not want to be a part of his addiction and so this way I at least knew he would get a decent meal. On the days he was not in the cafe he would either visit his daughter or take a bus ride into the city.

Whenever I get the chance I sit with him and try to lift his spirits. I also encourage others to sit with him. Over the years he has mellowed somewhat and has even made some knew friends in the cafe of whom he chats with while he has his meal. It is clear he has come to love these chats and I must admit it warms my heart whenever I see the old guy smile or even laugh occasionally.
What makes me laugh though, is that, every now and again, he brings in his old architect plans for his underwater hotel and asks me if I want to invest in it. His mind must be going because he has asked me four times and each time I have to pretended it was the first time I have heard his failed dream scheme.  

As I said, he turned 70 last week...

 and I wonder how much longer I will see him sitting in his usual place in my gallery cafe and how many times he will ask me to invest in his hotel? I asked if he would go for a walk so I could do a sketch of him. He looked at me as though it was me who had lost his mind but then agreed after I told him I had gotten him a bottle of wine for his birthday.
While in the park I made some quick sketches, and while I was drawing, he opened the bottle and took a long swig. (Look carefully at his shoes on the drawing and you will see that I have used his finger prints as the texture.) I later scanned in the drawing and coloured it up on photoshop. I plan to get if framed and hang it on wall in the cafe this coming summer season.

Some of the locals say that I am a good person for giving him free meals whereas others call me a mug.
"There for the grace of God go I", My grandmother used to say.
If I am being brutally honest, I really do not know if I am motivated by pity or of fear. Of course I have pity for the guy, but as I said, in him I see the man that I fear I might end up like. And what if I did? Well I suppose I would sincerely wish someone would take notice of me, listen to me, chat with me and help make the remainder of my life a little less painful.
So you see, I do not know if this makes me a good person or not?
If there is a God up there some where, then I guess I will find out when I leave this life.
But in the mean time, I told the professor about all the good people on Steemit and he has asked me to ask everyone if there was anyone interested in investing in an underwater hotel.

Thanks for visiting my blog and I wish you a warm welcome back in advance next time.


Your posts always put me in state talking with you while reading them, and the moment I end reading and want to start comment I don't know from where to begin..Some details in this story of an old man reminded me on my father, long gone ..Man who lost will to live, who lost my mother because of her illness, lost country in which he believed ..But going trough live of my father , and some other people who decided, and I say for reason decided, to move away from life, turning to numb life with help of some vices, I know I can't judge them, but also learned it's very hard, or no way in helping them, speaking of persons who see themselves at the end of life. We can be there, but change something? Well, as it said we all make our own destiny, cliche ..or not?
My father had one sentence for me when I was foaming in anger about people being rude, bad etc..He was very calm person, and he would said to me, Dunja my child, look at hand, five different fingers all living at same hand..That's how it's with people, we are all different..
Also, there is one difference I noticed over years, if man lost woman he gets more easily depressed and sometimes stays that way for a long time, woman on contrary are more easily dealing with pain and lost and continue to fight with life after some time..I believe that nature made it that way somehow ..
That's all I came out with ''smart'' to say about your another great post.
So, sit, and talk with him while you are enjoying in it..one day he won't be there and only good staff will be remembered :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts my dear friend. Your words move me as I feel the power of the truth in them. A truth that can only come from the experience of real life. Your father was a wise man and I am sure you miss him. I think you are right when you say a woman can bare pain more than a man. I have come to this conclusion myself long ago. Men think the are strong but the strength is only skin deep. The strength of a woman goes deep. For some reason nature has made is so.

Just recently I have seen much in the news about men sexually abusing, harassing women in Hollywood. I dont know if you have heard about this. There is a big movement of woman "coming out" and telling of their experiences and ordeals. I have been quite shocked by this and admit I was rather naive and did not really know such things went on. In my world, for as longs as I can ver remember, I have never seen woman other than as equals, in fact I looked up to woman and high the highest of respect. Therefore the idea of a man mistreating a woman simply never entered my thoughts. I have been thinking about this recently and wondered why I am like this? When I think back I can see I have always been surrounded by strong women. My mother was very string minded with a strong will. (she died when I was a child) I had many aunts and they were very strong willed woman also. At school more than half of my teachers were women who were also very strong and independent. They were all strong but at the same time gentle and caring. Therefore perhaps I have been lucky in this way. I have no illusions, I understand that a woman is far stronger than a man. It is a strength that a man can never know until they are gone from their lives.
I always value your words @jungwatercolor

I heard about harassing women in Hollywood, and must admit, not so surprised..Why? Well let me describe it from personal angle..Myself are not bad looking person, but also educated and self thinking person..Brains and looks can be huge problem in life, if you come across those who would like to take advantage..And living in country where women are raised by their mothers and grandmothers in rule..shh be quiet, don't argue, keep quiet, you know how many woman suffer the same and they are quiet...be a good wife..be a good employee..be less paid for same job ...and do it harder ...
So, to repeat my self I am not surprised. I had luck to be raised by two smart and opened persons who nursed my personality..But that kind of education had price in my life, man I was involved with in relationships usually at first were attracted with my personality..but after some time they wanted to change me and make a good-wife model out of me...And you can guess how it ended :)
At jobs was even harder, sometimes I was dressing as worse as I could just to keep me alone..
But there is also another side of coin in this story..
There are woman, and now days not so small number of them who are willingly accepting this kind of treatment, and have no problem to be treated like rugs just to have, better coat, larger house, better job...So, maybe some man are just thinking it's ok.
And from point of you, person who was raised to respect woman, and value good personality from every human I can understand how surprised you are..
Maybe it will be great topic for some new great post of yours..
Nice talking to you again, and hope one day we will be able to seat, drink and have long conversation :)

Sounds like you are also one of those strong women I spoke of. It takes a strong person to not allow someone to change you. Why people wish to change who we are is a mystery to me. We are all unique in every way. This is what makes life interesting. I am glad you were raised by intelligent open . minded people. A rare thing these days.
Yes I may well write a blog on this subject.
Always a pleasure to read your words - I am sure a conversation with you would be a fascinating one. In the mean time, your amazing art speaks volumes to me.

thank you, we could go like this for days :))
Waiting for next post and in the mean time have a wonderful time :)

Poor Professor, Indeed a very sad story. While reading I was thinking about you dear @arthuradamson that how peaceful mind God has given you. This type of Support is rare in these days. Mostly people ignore such type of characters, but you felt me proud. You did what you should. That's why I respect you and pray for your long life.
You gave professor some hope. And hope is the only force which can keep calm a person who is really dying. Hope remains a person young. Hope give you lot of things to get enjoy in general.
If I was there I must give you a big Salute:

You Deserve This

Welcome back @arthuradamson and All the very best. Stay Blessed!

I always treasure your heartfelt comments my friend. I could not imagine life on Steemit without you any more. Stay blessed my dear fellow and I salute you back, thank you.

This is a great compliment for me dearest friend @arthuradamson. Same here. Keep smiling!

"I really do not know if I am motivated by pity of fear". <3 you go guy. I felt this line so much.. and no I dont think you are a mug , you are one rare person who has got such a clean ad big heart. Kudos to you. Tell the old man I loved his idea of underwater hotel.
p.s, these sketches are awesome.

Thank you so much for your kind words, I take comfort and meaning from them. I am seeing the professor next week, I will tell him you liked his hotel idea, he will be so happy I will never hear the end of it lol.

haha. If it makes him happy surely do. I am a big fan of utility. "steemit" apart, I took time to read the rest of your blogs and they were soothing. Keep sketching and keep writing. I think we all owe this much to the invention of PEN ;)

ha ha, hey thanks for that- I will surely keep sketching. Im of the old school I guess and a pen and I am sure I will die with a pen in my hand lol

pen is one heaviest sword to keep, to use and to live on. who minds old school? old is gold, old is class. ;)

First of all Welcome Back @arthuradamson :)

After reading the whole story of The Old Professor I am convinced that Stardom is not at all Long Lasting, here i wouldlike to quote the Couplet of JAUN ELIA

How Pretty you are, How lively i am
The tragedy is...
We shall Die all

It happened in past too with many great souls especially with Celebrities. I can feel the pain of Professor ...

Two things i would like to say you Arthur
You are the most Selfless Person with a Pure Heart. You love to share, love to give others, love to make laugh to others
Secondly you always have a very soft corner for everyone specifically for innocents. You are always ready to help others.
Another Great Quality you have is your Writing Style and Art.
All these traits make you an awesome Human being and a Great Guy.

You melted my heart through this story Man. Thank so much for making this Land a place of Peace and Brotherhood.

You are actually on the Track of the Creator, Who loves Humanity.

May the Creator Bless you with Great Success and Peace in life My Fried.
P.S; Your Sketching ability is too damn high, Whattta Talent Man !

Stay Blessed, Steem On :)

What can I say to that @salmanbukhari54
I feel genuinely humbled by your wonderful words but I am not sure I deserve them. However, I also feel inspired by them too.
I have met some truly great souls in my life time and compared to them fall far short of their selfless beauty. Saying that, I think I simply came to a point in my life where I decided that, in some strange way, we are in this life together. We all carry our own personal burdens and worries, and in that sense we are all equal. And we are equal. In my country we have a saying: "No one is above and no one is below". I truly believe that deep deep down within me. And so why should we not try to help each other get through this wonderful but sometimes cruel existence?
Long ago, someone asked me a question. "Arthur, why should anyone help anyone else?" The answer seems obvious but when you go deep into it, it forces you to question all your beliefs and opinions. I thought about that question for a long time and the answer I came to was a selfish one. I help others because it feels good.
Wonderful quote, not heard that before -
Thank you so much for your valuable reply : )

Yes by helping others we can create a society of Peace and love. I am always a huge fan of your kind deeds and slogan of your country is quite similar to my religious that. None is superior before the God but one who does mercy to others.
You always show Sympathy & Love for which I Salute you Arthur ♡ :-)

Thanks @arthuradamson. Its good to read your post again after a great while.
You have a good heart. I enjoyed reading. Beautiful piece. Your type is rare. And you dont need to find out after this life, you are a great person.
I have met a lady actually. She eats a lot and doesn't easily forgive but right now, she is so fat and so stone hearted. I had such traits, But i have made adjustments. In other words: what if, instead of investing all of our energy into what we don’t want to become (mean-spirited, critical, angry, abusive) we invested our time and resources toward what we do want to become (loving, kind, gracious, forgiving, etc). This might seem like a minor distinction, but I believe it’s really important. I am so happy you helped that professor. This is a gift. A lot of people gave up because no one was there to support or give them that extra push. But God bless you abundantly in all your endevours.
So about the topic, i was really inspired to say thid, So in other words, the more I focus on a person I hate, the more I meditate on their behavior, the more I consider how I can avoid becoming like them, the more I become like them. The more I resist becoming like something I dislike, the more I accidentally move toward those qualities. Great post @arthuradamson.

I really dont know how reply to your beautiful words of which brought tears to my eyes. You speak so much truth and with genuine wisdom. Thank you so so much @princesson

A very touching story and I can't believe I haven't seen it earlier.

First thing I notice (again), that we have so much in common. I didn't know, you also have a café. My wife runs her own as well, I have my work on the walls there and sometimes, I help making coffee :-)

Plus, my heart too usually goes out to the underdog. I think, its because I grew up with little material riches. But loving parents and a simple but safe environment. Life has largely been good to me, so I like to give back a little, when I see a good reason.

There was a time, when I got so obsessed with things I wanted to do, that I could easily have turned out into the fallen artist. Mellowed a lot and I think I'm not as eager as I used to be to screw up my life with a mad idea...

I think, its a natural instinct to help a fellow human, or any living creature actually when they are in need, so my guess is, that you help the man, because he needs someone, not because you are afraid to end up like that.

And you know, I don't really find the idea with the underwater hotel all that bad. With the tourist industry today, always looking for the next sensation, the poor guy was just a few decades too early with his vision!

Astonishing our similar we are Reinhard, it is quite scary lol. However, in one way it is quite comforting to me at the same time. When I first saw your work it spoke to me and what it said was "Integrity". This tells me what I have always known for a long time, in that I can read the truth in artists work. I can see if they mean what they say or if it is bullshit. Now that I know you better I can see my first instincts were correct and that makes me happy. For it means that there is hope for the future of art. That real art does exist. I am a great admirer of your Reinhard and I do not say such things likely.
Yes my little cafe, I must say I do that little part of my gallery. I think it keeps me grounded and I get to meet all sorts of people. It keeps life interesting.
Always value your words my good fellow

Bitter reality:

"Arthur, why should anyone help anyone else?" The answer seems obvious but when you go deep into it, it forces you to question all your beliefs and opinions. I thought about that question for a long time and the answer I came to was a selfish one. I help others because it feels good.

I like to read gems like this one because they help to know the reality of us, humans. Story was good. Unfortunately, the world we're living in does not work merely based on our emotions. The actions that we do have outcomes. This poor fellow did a BIG mistake and he's now paying the price:

Forgive me, but it was by providing the poor fellow with wine that I learned his story. Little by little, glass by glass he told of how he was once the shining star of the architect world until one day he got a hair-brained idea to build a hotel under water. He was so convinced of this idea that he risked everything he had on it, even though all his friends, family and work colleagues all told him it would not work.

You're a kind soul so you are taking pity on him that is absolutely fine. However, you fear of becoming like him is not true because you have not put all your eggs in one basket. You're a Dolphin at Steemit blockchain. This website is growing like crazy and is already in top 500 websites in the US. In next 4 months, I see it in top 150 websites of the US. That means STEEM and SBD price will be skyrocketing. So, by keep blogging at Steemit for just another 6 months, you will have a at least triple your earnings. All safe.

I wish you all the best @arthuradamson.

Steem On!

Wow what a reply.
I can see you are a realist, which is not a bad thing to be in these modern times. Glad you got something from the story and also for the information about how steemit is moving up into the tot websites in the US. I have lost touch somewhat with that lately as I have been focussing on other projects, so thanks for update - appreciated and for the feedback
Best wishes to you too @ugetfunded

Well, @arthuradamson, I appreciate your kind words. You're a thinker and my type person. I love to have such discussions but commenting on posts takes time. Can we connect at facebook, Whatsapp or any other similar service to have these discussions in a better way. If you are a very busy person and can't afford it, no problem, I fully understand it. That's fine.

There is no us and them when it comes to emotional vulnerability, the desire to numb our pain. I worked for years in mental health and have been privileged to have been able to hear people speak of their lives and private struggles.
We are all vulnerable to illness, mental health is a part of that too. Holding up our self that we present to the world can become too hard. It is the human experience and I am grateful to hear that you can see that potential and view a whole person. I found that individuals who are accustomed to being treated badly for their illness are hostile at first. Then guarded and surprised when someone like yourself approaches them in a different way.
I imagine your interactions mean more to him than the occasional free meal or beverage. I also imagine you are just as vulnerable as any human, if we are all truly honest. We all walk a tightrope while we juggle our lives, and no-one can predict the path ahead that can challenge the ability to stay upright and sturdy.
Thanks for posting.

Reading your comments tell me that you are a wise person and such insights do not come from reading books.
You are absolutely correct when you say that I am as vulnerable as any other human. Indeed, only three years ago I suffered a breakdown of sorts and took over year to recover - but thats another story. All I will say is that the experienced was a lesson is just how vulnerable I really was. I was a humbling experience and it changed me. I am far more empathic than ever and I am very open about being vulnerable. The crazy thing is, since I have been more open about showing my vulnerability, the more people want to know me and open up to me. This is a whole knew world I never knew existed. Without wishing to bore you; In the summer of 2017 a german girl (aged about 27) started working in the local supermarket. She seemed like a typical german to me, I mean strong, stoic type personality. "Wow, she is a strong lady" I thought. One day she came into my gallery to look at my paintings and she asked about one in particular. I explained that the painting was about a past relationship that ended badly and I regretted my actions. I surprised myself by getting rather emotional and had to wipe my eyes. I apologised. After that, whenever I went into the supermarket she would smile to me. Then one day saw she looks somewhat sad. I asked if she was OK and she suddenly burst into tears. I put my hand onto her shoulder and just asked if there anything I could do to help. She grabbed hold of me and pulled me into the stockroom. I looked into her eyes and something told me it was to do with the workplace. "Its here isn´t it? It´s your boss. Is he giving you a hard time?" I asked. All I will say is that the guy had reputation for being a bit of a tyrant. She flung her arm around me and sobbed her heart out. In that moment I realised, just as you say, we are vulnerable human-beings. Well I offered her a job in my little cafe. She only wanted a summer job for the season and it was already half way over. She was great in the cafe and was a changed person after that.
At the end of the season her boyfriend came to pick her up and she introduced him to me. She gave me a hug and told me sh would never forget me and that was the last I saw of her. In strange way, allowing myself to show that I too am just a weak vulnerable human-being had tuned out to be a kind of a strength. Im still confused as to how but all I know is that it makes me feel stronger.
Sorry I went on a bit, but I guess your words triggered something.
Thanks so much for the valuable response - very much appreciated @girlbeforemirror

I have a rather poor memory, but is this the girl with the coloured stones?

As for the old man, I was told, many years ago, that people of a sweet and patient nature, as they age, they turn hard and catankerous, while those who were hard, grow gentle and sentimental.

I never could work out what I was, so I have no idea as to which direction I am travelling.

who on earth thought it was wrong to give the guy a few free meals! good on you ;-) and im guessing your chats helped him even more then the food

I know what you mean. I suppose some see charity as mugs game or they believe in only helping themselves. I wonder if such people would refuse help when they reach 70 and are old and frail. I just ignored such criticism anyway.
Thanks for the input @steemama

Thank you for sharing this heartening story. I found it through @trucklife-family resteeming it.

I have met many characters that teach me through their negative example. To me, these people come into my life to warn me in some way of how I could turn out. I feel that’s why they come into my life. I see their struggle now and can take some different course of action to change my direction or try to create a different outcome. Sometimes it’s even an internal change. I think it’s really cool and kind what you did. Like you are reaching out to your (possible) older decrepit self and giving him love. ❤️

I can see we think in a very similar way. I also do and have done, the same thing - seeing others errors and taking them as a warning. Not such a silly thing really.
However, using this plan of action also causes me to occasionally battle with myself questioning if I am good person or not. For example, when I see this old professor and learn from his error, in a way I benefit from it. So I feel a little guilty and to help lessen that guilt I give him free meals and spend time with him. Im not sure if that is a genuine motivation to do good. My grandmother used to say that action speaks louder than words and thinking about helping someone is different than actually helping someone. She reckoned that it is our actions and non-actions that define who we are. Life is confusing sometimes.
Thanks for the feed back my good fellow : )

:) yes i think we do think very similarly... i think the line of questioning whether you're a good person or not is good self reflection. for me though, i tend to think of good person/bad person not in such a cut and dry thing. perhaps it is meeting so many people throughout my life who maybe some people would call bad, but they have such shining elements that redeem them.. where do we cut the line? who deserves the title bad and who good? i know one alcoholic man who is one of also the wisest i've ever met.. he is unwise choosing to be addicted to varying things, but in other ways he sees very clearly... i also know some "good" people who are so boring and lead boring lives and who aren't very free in their minds. maybe they live good lives, but they aren't really shaking the world up in any way...to me, i think we can't put the titles on most people, and even ourselves..

if we "use" other people in this sense to get our own learning... to me, that's a factor of life!

to give you an example of one person i met that helped me "see" my future... it was an older woman i lived with for a time. i am a homesteader and before i found my land i was looking for it. this woman was going to share her land... but i soon found out, though she was in her 70s and in excellent health, she lived on basically no money every year! she couldn't easily visit her kids or buy things she needed. i admired her lifestyle, compassion, ethics, work in the world, etc very much, but i thought, "man i need to change my thinking around money or this could be me!" "and i definitely want to have more freedom and to be taken care of more when i'm older; to have money "worked out" so to say..." ... ultimately i didn't live there for too long, as the ideas around money were too cloistered. sometimes, i feel like sending this woman money or gifts.. perhaps that "guilt" feeling you talk about... but, too, i just realize what a blessing this woman is to the world and that she should have ample money to feel more secure... anyway, that's just one example from my own life that i've taken a different course after coming in contact with this woman.

personally, i wouldn't worry about being too good or too bad... i think if we can be proud of ourselves at the end of the day (and change the behaviors that make us unproud of ourselves), i think we can sleep well.. i'm not sure if this woman would accept money if i sent it anyway.. <3

Wow, what a wise person you are. I hope you dont mind but I have now added you to my follow list.

oh i don't know about that! ;) (the wise part)... hey i followed you too ;) <3