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RE: An Update On My Curation Habits and Why You're Better Off Buying Your Votes and Earning Peanuts

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I get it man. People suck. If you try to help them, they screw you over and if you don't, they call you the asshole.

Forgive me if I am wrong (I have only been reading your stuff for a few weeks) but the tone of this post doesn't strike me as the one of a person who particularly likes taking this position. You have to do what you have to do to make sure you don't get used though so it's not out of line to take it.


It's frustrating when people take advantage of generosity. It's frustrating when people lie or say things they don't mean just to weasel out of situations. I don't need that in my life.

Truth. I had a rather messy falling out with a group of friends once. I won't bore you with the story but I have seen that type of thing first hand and it doesn't leave a good taste in your mouth (worse than a break-up in a lot of ways because you expect them to leave at some point).

I have spent time thinking about why certain things seem to be harder on us than others and I think it is an abuse of trust that really hurts people. This applies to some of our worst crimes (child abuse and such) and the reason "snitching" gets people shot. In that sense it is more universal than the most basic laws because even the murders and thieves know it is wrong. That could just be the years I spent as a psychonaut talking though lol.

This is too black and white. People are way more ordinary. A better word than suck is that people are mostly unaware / unconscious. That will say it's a misread from your part. A person needs lots of love and encouragement and appreciation before you will see them do amazing stuff. And it takes a long time. And majority will give up. Because doing amazing stuff will always be a challenge.

You should go do something amazing with your life.

I am sure that applies to a lot of people but I have met some awful individals too and saying they suck is the nice way of putting it lol.

I don't know man, sometimes I think it is healthy to embrace a little misanthropy and I'm not just saying that because I'm a misanthrope.

Well yes!! Before you can love humans you need to hate them hahahahaa. I think that's accurate!