The Role of Music in our Lives

in #lifelast year

Blue And Red Modern Music Youtube Thumbnail.jpg

I cannot speak about everyone in the world but for me, MUSIC plays a crucial role in my life and if that wasn't in my life I can say that I would have been in a dark place right now. But thankfully I found Music and I liked specific Genres of Music which helped me cope with whatever was going through my life at that point in time and ever since I understood that MUSIC can help me cope with things in my life I started paying more attention to the type of music I was hearing.

Thanks to Music I learned a few things which helped me when I was down and out. The first was having an Emotional Connection with Music or should I say the Lyrics of the Music which connected hard with me, for example, this song is sung by an Indian Rapper named WICKED SUNNY

In this song, he Raps and talks about things that are really close to my heart and I can just feel the verses resonate with me on a personal level as I have witnessed similar things in my life, and even though I am now on better terms both mentally and physically I just can't forget how Music has helped me get out of Depression.

Next, we have the Socializing aspect of Music which helps us Socialize on the basis of the Music we hear and even make new friends. This is something I would have never agreed to but last April I went to my first ever Music Concert and I had a lot of fun but what was shocking was that I made some new friends at the concert and we are still in touch even though it is only via Online basis.

The final part is kind of not for me as I am not a guy for Cultural Aspects but I can't ignore the fact that Music and Songs do preserve our Culture and in future when everything kind of mushes together it would be nice to hear these old songs and learn about our actual Culture which we may have forgotten.
