Why Write?
Wow I must share this quote with all of you, because it's literally how I feel when it comes to writing. I literally write all the time and it gives me such freedom. When I write, I feel like I give a voice to the people who don't speak up. I share very transparently about everything I have been through in my life & without writing, I wouldn't have been able to get it out in such a way. The way my fingers speak through the keyboard is a way different way my mouth speaks through your ears. And most days I love the way my fingers talk over my words from my mouth. I think its okay to like other forms of communication over other things. Like how I love body communication, especially sexually. Its a different form of communication. For me my sexual creativity has always come from writing.

Why Write?
"To record the world as it is. To set down the past before it is all forgotten. To excavate the past because it has been forgotten. To satisfy my desire for revenge. Because I knew I had to keep writing or else I would die. Because to write is to take risks, and it is only by taking risks that we know we are alive. To produce order out of chaos.
To delight and instruct (not often found after the early twentieth century, or not in that form). To please myself. To express myself. To express myself beautifully. To create a perfect work of art. To reward the virtuous and punish the guilty. To hold up a mirror to Nature. To hold a mirror up to the reader. To paint a portrait of society and its ills. To express the unexpressed life of the masses. To name the hitherto unnamed. To defend the human spirit, and human integrity and honor. To thumb my nose at Death. To make money so my children could have shoes. To make money so I could sneer at those who formerly sneered at me. To show the bastards.
Because to create is human. Because to create is Godlike. Because I hated the idea of having a job. To say a new word. To make a new thing. To create a national consciousness, or a national conscience. To justify my failures in school. To justify my own view of myself and my life, because I couldn't be "a writer" unless I actually did some writing. To make myself appear more interesting than I actually was.
To attract the love of a beautiful woman. To attract the love of a beautiful man. To rectify the imperfections of my miserable childhood. To thwart my parents. To spin a fascinating tale. To amuse and please the reader. To amuse and please myself. To pass the time, even though it would have passed anyway.
Graphomania. Compulsive logorrhea. Because I was driven to it by some force outside my control. Because I was possessed. Because I fell into the embrace of the Muse. Because I got pregnant by the Muse and needed to give birth. Because I had books instead of children (several twentieth-century women). To serve Art. To serve the Collective Unconscious. To serve History. To act out antisocial behavior for which I have been punished in real life. To master a craft.
To subvert the establishment. To deomonstrate that whatever is, is right. Because the story took hold of me and wouldn't let go. To search for understanding of the reader and myself. To cope with my depression. For my children. To make a name that would deserve to surivie death.
To defend a minority group or oppressed class. To speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. To expose the applaing wrongs and attrocities. To record the times through which I have lived. To speak for the Dead. To celebrate Life. To praise the Universe. To allow for the possibility of hope and redemption. To give back someting of what has been given to me."
wow am going to read it tomorrow, too tired, read the first lines abd something tell me am going in an Amazonian rain forest
woo! excited for you to read
some funny gif i had at hand... :P hope u smile at it :)
thankkkkks :)
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I saw your post in the #postpromotion channel on the WhaleShares discord. Thank you for being with us! And I also like your text. I like that you have titles, bold, italic, its really easy to read! Thanks awakealiveaware!
COOOL! I love this up vote stuff with the wheel
I can't write good... but like you said, we are creators :)
You are a great writer, I see it on steem all the time ;)
I love it!
Thanks so much :)
I agree. I like this so much.
"To produce out of chaos."
oh my goodness, such power and inspiration.
"Because to create is human. Because to create is Godlike. Because I hated the idea of having a job."
(can you tell, I love that line!)
Thanks for inspiring me!!
I love your blog
Hey, I saw your youtube video talking about Steemit, please could I get an invite to your discord group?