What to do when people dont like you and how to deal with it.

in #life4 years ago

Are you feeling degraded, demotivated, less confident and keeping yourself isolated because you feel that people don't like you?
Than these people should know that In the population of the world each of an individual have its own personality, behavior, body language, habits and way of speaking. So how they suppose that they all would have same kind of thought, behavior and perception.


May be some are similar but still each individual have at least one specific quality that make him different from other and that should not be change for someone you love. get changed only for someone is one of the biggest mistake that people do and if that person wants you to change according to his/her way than the relationship will not be strong and also be unsustainable.

Russian philosopher wore a beautiful quote that is;

I am not a gold coin that could please other.

It's clear in this quote that your behavior, way to speak, dressing choices are not materialistic thing that can be change, not responsible of other people's negative perception what they have made by their thoughts and by using their mind and understanding.

They talk about bad, criticize let them be because what they think and talk is the reflection of their own-self, its ok if they talk about you.** No one in this world is left by people who were not criticized**. it's ok, just think that there must be something good or unique that is bothering them. They do not accept that you are different and their expectation can be fulfilled by anyone they want to and not all people have same point of view and worldview.


The reason why these people do this is they don't want to accept the reality, progress and achievements of other.
Other reason is lack of awareness, lack of attention and proper care is not given to these type of people in their childhood and they want to hide their inaptness so don't argue, get into drama or keep the relationship.

THE WAY TO COPE WITH THEM ARE ( advices that are given by famous psychiatrist)

Following wo ways are advices that are given by famous psychiatrist;



His advice on how to treat people who don't like you and want to change you;

"I'm doing my job, and you're doing your job. I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you're not in this world to fulfill mine. You're you and I'm me. And if we just happened to meet, that's great, if not, there's nothing to do."‎

Those people who like to‎‎ comments and condemnations,‎ about how others dresses, talk or behave they just have to go on their own way and live happily ever after, and should not interfere in other people's lives and not trying to lead them. If you still have to be in a relationship with these people, then it is important to accept each other's differences and inconsistencies and not make this a reason for dispute and conflict.

2nd advice is from CARL JUNG

"Anything that annoys us about others can lead to understanding ourselves."

This sentence that explained everything to us. Be yourself and work on your self-awareness. Don't let anyone else's toxic comments disturb you. Change for the better, the way you want for yourself and for your happiness!‎
