I Know the Secret to Happiness - Here It Is

in #life7 years ago


This is no clickbait. I'm going to go right ahead and say it. The secret is to stop chasing it. Happiness is a passing mental state that results from the release of certain chemicals in the brain. It never lasts forever. Stop chasing that phone, that watch, that car or that girl. They'll make you happy for a while and then it will pass. Despite this, it is possible to lead a happy life. A life in which happiness occurs frequently. Here are a few tips on how to do so.

Build a life of well-being. Create for yourself financial security (not outlandish riches) and physical well-being through a healthy diet and exercise. Find a positive environment. Live somewhere where you feel safe, comfortable and at peace. Reach mental well-being, possibly through meditation, training, learning about psychology and psychiatry.  Educate yourself. Learn about the world. Try to grow your skills, knowledge and abilities in all areas. Do new things. Have a healthy social life with family and friends. Travel, love, enjoy art. Appreciate life in all its small and big aspects. Be happy with yourself.


Practically, the idea is to enjoy a life that is healthy, complete, prosperous and to be in a state that can be described as well being. I know many people are facing big problems and can't do that right now but it's a worthy objective. Don't be like those shallow people that base their happiness on what other people think about them, or on how attractive they are to the opposite sex. No, build yourself first. Strive to improve yourself and be confident with who you are. Then, everything else will come to you.

Too many people waste their lives chasing a concept of happiness that doesn't exist in a lasting form. Having a mansion, an extravagant lifestyle, a perfect life partner. Perfect people don't exist and material possessions only make you happy for a few moments. It's the beautiful moments you have with the people you love that matter. That feeling you get when you teach your son to play football,  a scenic drive on an empty road, a play session with your pet, a passionate kiss with your sweetheart. That is happiness. Not a Bentley, not fame, not partying and doing drugs, not expensive clothes, none of that. Happiness is learning to have a life with are content with. Being content with yourself, your relationships and your surroundings. A state of well-being, peace of mind and health. So stop chasing that one thing that you think will make you happy and appreciate the well-being you currently enjoy and seek to maximize that.


Staying single works for me. LOL

Yeah, same here. I'm single and happy.

Very good article! Happiness comes from experiences, not money. Money can help, but so many poor people are genuinely happy, while many of the richest out there are extremely sad.

Thanks! That's exactly what I meant! Money is just a tool that lets you do things. Experiences are what matters in the end. Many of us have childhood experiences that are maybe worth more to us than any amount of gold and we didn't need money to have those experiences. Just a good attitude toward life and the people around us.