Medical Alert Jewelry is Obsolete. Here is the solution to emergency medical information in the digital age 24/7 anywhere in the world.

in #life9 years ago

Medical Alert Jewelry is Obsolete

Code Amber Alertag

Code Amber Alertags provide immediate access to your personal medical information instantly to first responders in any emergency anywhere in the world, 24/7.

  • There is no 800 number to call and no third party is involved. The
    time saved with Alertags can be life saving.
  • Your personal information is available only to qualified emergency
  • Each Alertag costs less than $30 per year and works anywhere in the
    world to provide life saving information instantly.

Wherever you are, Alertag is always with you...

Emergency personnel are trained to look for Emergency Medical Information when they arrive on the scene. Unfortunately, they rarely find it. With Code Amber Alertag they can access the medical information you chose to make available, including chronic medical conditions such as Autism, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, etc. The information displayed is optimized for cell phones, and all other wireless devices, providing immediate access to vital information on the scene by simply entering the Security Code printed on the Alertag into a smart phone, laptop or tablet at or by scanning the QR code on the Alertag.

How It Works

Code Amber Alertag is a discrete ID tag that fits on your keychain and provides access to vital life-saving information in case of emergency. Click here to register your new Code Amber Alrtag, then return to this page for complete information on how to best use your Tag.

Over 100,000 people die every year from preventable medical errors. That makes this the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. Over 90% of those errors could have been avoided if the EMT or doctor had quick and easy access to vital information about the patient when first treated.

Emergency personnel are trained to look for Emergency Medical Information when they arrive on the scene. Unfortunately, they rarely find it. With Code Amber Alertag they can access the medical information you chose to make available, including dangerous allergic reactions, by simply entering the Security Code printed on the tag at's secure website.

Why Code Amber Alertag?

In a crisis situation, patients, their family members or friends may be too overwhelmed by their emergency to accurately recall personal or medical history or current medications. At times, the injured are found alone, disoriented, unconscious, or unable to speak.

The intent of the Code Amber Alertag is to provide first responders to an emergency situation with this critical information, greatly enhancing their ability to appropriately assess and provide treatment– certainly those of us with special needs. Correct assessment and treatment could mean the difference between life and death.

The information accessible by using your Security Code is available to first responders to immediately become aware of any conditions you have that could affect emergency treatment. All information is optional. You choose what information to make available

This is another product I am involved with from GTX Corp. which was developed a few years ago. It is also a life saver and needs more exposure just like the GPS SmartSoles that I posted about in my introduction post.


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This sounds really cool. Thanks for sharing. It might come in handy for the future. The SmartSoles too.