
in #life6 years ago


I’m already out of breath as I’m running with a group of 7 or 8 men. Smoke fills the streets and it’s hard to tell which way to turn. The sound of carnage surrounds me as we make our way into the building. Some of the men have guns and we follow their lead up the narrow stairwell. The carnage sounds closer. I lose my footing running up the stairs as the earth shakes with a thunderous roar. “Shake it off” I told myself...

It’s foggy but we all manage to follow each other in a line. If it weren’t for the signs pointing out what floor we were passing, I’d think it was just an endless loop. 33. I remember seeing 33 as we opened the door to gaze out the windows. I’m in the city. “Holy Shit!” I thought. I had no clue up until that point. “What is going on?” I mumbled.

That’s when I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye and through the glass. I know this creature. “Godzilla!”

imageNot exactly how it was but used for dramatic purposes, it’ll do.

I mouthed as I stood in disbelief. Just as I’m beginning to process the gravity of the situation, a wave of chaos crashes through the rooftop. A beak shimmies it’s way through the gaping hole of the roof and picks a man up swallowing him in one piece. His gun fires a few shots inside the creature before its silenced. The carnage is here. I look to the others and I see I’m handcuffed to 13 Time NBA All Star, Dwayne Wade. He looks just as surprised to see this turn of events as I am.

Then a voice tells us to head back down to the basement for cover. I know this voice instantly and I turn around to confirm my suspicions. Laurence Fishburne is indeed ordering us down to the basement. Just as we start making our way down the narrow and smoky stairwell, the carnage hits full swing as we beaked creature has torn its way through and is mere feet from us. I can see Godzilla turn. He’s heading for the carnage...

All of a sudden my foot is jostled by something. It’s quiet and dark. A soft fuzz grazes my left leg and I hear a jingling. “What. The. Fuck?!?” I thought to myself for a few seconds before realizing that it’s my dogs collar making that familiar jingle. That soft fuzz is just my puppy Maya as she awakens for her morning chow and piss.

All of that culminated in one of the more vivid and odd dreams that I’ve had in ages. D Wade?!? Morpheus?!?


I was still a bit out of sorts when my wife turned over from her slumber to tell me she had a weird dream. No...not about Godzilla. That would be trippy as hell though. To be honest, I don’t remember what hers was about. She told me but I’m a stupid man and don’t remember, yet mine is etched into my brain. Every detail is like a favorite film that I can recite the lines to. Recall every facial expression made. It was all just...real.

The rest of this is going to be very boring so I advise to end here on the weird and don’t enter the boring.

That started off my morning on 3/14/19. I took a quick shower and ran to get dog food. I was out so I had to go snag them some real quick. I came back, fed the pups, and did a bit of “Steemit” crap.

The wife and I made plans last night to go have a quick lunch date so while she showered and got ready, I decided to take the pups for a quick walk. It was beautiful today (relatively speaking) and it had been over a week five we last went out. Maya can run for hours on end. She’s a machine and is in her prime at 9 years old. Bindi on the other hand struggles with long walks at almost 15 & 1/ I usually keep it short.

We head down to the park diagonally across the street and chat it up with my neighbor Stephanie. I have only spoken to her once before and that was the night that Maya got out. She was nice and was telling me that she thinks her pup has fleas. Just as my girls are sniffing the hell out of him. Awesome.

I tried to put some distance as to not give too many opportunities to have those bastards jump ship onto my girls. Fingers crossed! I can see Bindi’s legs are drooping a bit. She’s done, so I head back...very...slowly...

The girls pass out as they are wiped after the excitement of seeing a new itchy pup and just sniffing the fresh air. Sometimes that’s needed. I always love my walks with the pups. I miss the days of having all 4 of my pack lead me on fun adventures. I will cherish those days forever and would give anything to have this view for just one more stroll around the block with my best buds.


Lunch with the wife is up next. We head to a local coffee shop/eatery that she visited with my niece a few weeks back. It was my first time and I’d definitely go back. Cute place. Decent grub. Good service.

While here we discuss a must needed “Family Meeting”. The kids have been a bit off lately and there were some issues that we wanted to clear up. Situations to try to remedy. So we hashed out the gist of what we’re we’re going to say and cover. Among things to discuss is the addition of a “Fuck Up” jar of sorts. Kinda like a Swear Jar but not for cursing. It’s for when you keep doing the stupid shit that is so easy to not do. It will cost a quarter and involves things like turning lights off, hanging jacket up (me), closing bathroom garbage can lid (wife), putting clothes away (daughter), and turning off heater (son). We all have one thing that we lazily and forgetfully do so hopefully this is a good way to start to instill good habits. We shall see...

So far the day is going well. We come back home and had the meeting. It goes...ok. We covered a few other topics that 100% needed addressing and Clocer (daughter) got a bit emotional and upset, but seemed to get over it quickly. She struggles with apologizing and admitting wrong doing. Traits we are attempting to fix as those are awful traits to have as an adult. We all know someone like that and it’s a huge turnoff. Kids...can still kinda get away with it as they are kids but that only lasts so long before people start realizing that you are just kind of an asshole. I don’t want that for her.

It’s hard being a parent sometimes. Or...all the time. I feel like I’m constantly walking on eggshells when approaching them for anything. They are very fragile and do not handle any form of criticism well. They are in their own bubble and I’m sure I had sunilar traits as a teenager.

Anyway, the rest of the night went well. I chatted with my buddy that recently hopped onto the platform and explained the ropes a bit. Overall it was a good day. Until about 9 pm. It’s like a switch went off in my head. I got highly frustrated with a bunch of my friends for several reasons that I won’t get into but I feel my frustrations are absolutely justified. It sent me down a rabbit hole of feeling sorry for myself so much that I made myself sick....literally. Then I started thinking of my boys who are no longer here and that just opened up the waterworks a bit.

I was in my own head and I let that darkness take over. It’s kinda a scary and extremely vulnerable feeling. I had a great day and I let one situation at the end of the evening consume and frustrate me to the point of it taking over complete control of me. I was so dejected and bummed. A wave of sadness just washed over me and kept coming for me as if it wanted to swallow me whole. I feel like I’ve been doing a better job as of late of not letting my emotions get the better of me, but I struggled mightily for a bit last night. I sat and tried my best to calm myself down as to not get overwhelmed. I did not want to let this one thing define my day. Surprisingly it kinda worked. Just taking a few minutes to process it all and compute a solution or remedy. I usually just give in to the madness and concede that the sadness has won the battle but after a short self pity party I threw, I was able to climb out of it. That was encouraging.

I don’t know why I wrote this play by play of my day today. It started off as my wacky dream that I wanted to get down then it turned into a narration of the day. Then it morphed into talking about my depression and struggling with that. I guess this one is kind of a giant mess...but I can’t be the only one here who has had days like this. Can I? Ok...maybe your day didn’t start out with a chill session with an NBA superstar, a film legend, and monsters but I can’t be the only one who struggles to keep my sanity...right?!?

Thx for reading this tremendous pile of monkey shit and kudos to those that made it through it all. Also sorry...



You are definitely not the only one having days like this.

I cried last night about things too.

Yeah, the tears came for me when I was in the basement on the couch. My girl Maya came barreling down the stairs and up onto the couch with me...just as my boy Tano would do. He would follow me down 10 times a day as he just wanted to be near me. It was the most beautiful thing. He had such pure love in him.

Sorry you had a rough one as well.

Wow, that dream!!! Man, I don’t know that I’ve ever had famous individuals show up in my dreams... especially famous individuals like Godzilla.. but I have had a couple very lucid and odd dreams that stick with me. I even remember one from when I was a child, dreams are fascinating. I’m glad the fuzzy thing was just your pup though, not some sort of weird creature that was going to eat you.. I was worried for a minute.

Also, of course you didn’t remember your wives dream.. stupid men 😛

As far as the rest.. parenting is a bitch sometimes.. just remember they are tiny humans who also have bad days and your opinion of them means the world to them, when they do wrong.. tell them.. and when they do right .. tell them. One thing I’ve adopted is when I’m talking about something that may be “sensitive” to them, I try to make it about “us” instead and why it is beneficial to make these changes. Now if it’s just something insane, shit is going down.. but I mean small things that they need to improve upon.. focus on why making these changes is positive. I have a sensitive one too and these has helped.

I think everyone has days like that.. when everything piles up and you just want to give the world the finger and tell everyone to fuck off (some of us have weeks like that 😬) It’s normal.. because you yourself are only human as well.

Find those things that ground you, like the walk with the pups (minus the fleas) and do them more often. In the moments when you feel like throwing a table.. take a breath and remember the good. Also, it’s ok to loose it sometimes.. to cry.. to cuss and to tell those who need it, to fuck the fuck off. Just don’t let those moments become who you are. Find a daily activity that is sort of like meditation to you, whatever it might be.. something that grounds you and helps you to just breath again, and then embrace that you are an inperfect, broken human being.. And that’s ok.

❤️ Sending love your way and attempting to take my own advice...🙄


Posted using Partiko Android

Lol. Godzilla was a first for me!!!!! I mean, I’m guessing it was Godzilla. Looked just like him but nobody said his name. Maybe it was a generic monster/dinosaur looking thing. I dunno. What I am sure of was Fishburne and Wade being there. Batshit insane nonsense.

Correct. Men are so stupid.

Not even going to attempt to argue that one. Lol

Parenting is definitely tough. Each and every time I think I’m getting the hang of it, they throw a wrench into the mix. My daughter has an extremely difficult time not only apologizing but just realizing or admitting any wrong doing. She loves to point out the things her mom, brother, friends, boyfriend, or myself so that sucks but she has trouble seeing that she’s human and makes errors as well. At soon to be 17, these are traits I’d like her to have. Kids can get away with being “shitty”....we just chalk it up to them being kids. As an adult, those traits will only set you back in life and I’d like her to thrive in this life.

Yeah, this past week has been a challenge for me. It’s a culmination of a bunch of things just coming to a head and me not knowing how to properly navigate through it. My head gets filled with uncertainty and clouded with darkness. It’s a scary place to be at sometimes...ones own head.


I like the play by play style of blogging, I admit I skimmed through your dream, but I get extremely frustrated at my situation at times, frequently, it’s like a recurring nightmare I won’t elaborate, but yea, I manage to get through it and being productive and creative seems to be the anti-frustrating remedy, also also I’m a huge proponent of writing my goals and plans on paper, I find it helps me tremendously, in fact I can’t be without pens and paper, sounds funny right? hey Blewitt I really do enjoy reading your blog, and hope you continue to focus on this type of productive activity, and maybe my material can help you to stay positive as well, thanks Man!

Oh don’t stress it. The fact that anyone reads my nonsense at all...even in pieces is rewarding enough. Lol.

Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m going to try to take one day a week and just do a play by play. Some will be interesting. Some dull. But I’d like to get in that having of kinda journaling the course of a day.

That’s a great idea , I’ll be sure to check it out!

Appreciate the interest in my extremely boring life! Lol. I’ll probably start when I do convention season as it’ll be at least something remotely interesting to report.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I wondered where this was going. I know I have some odd dreams, but I nearly always forget them soon after waking up.

It literally went nowhere. lol. Just batshit nonsense going on in my head. Lol

That dream sounds intense. I also have these movie style dreams that are very Vivid and I think to myself what the fuck where did that come from? How is that even in my head?

It's not easy raising teenagers. It does settle down eventually and they come back to us normal people that you can be proud of because you've put all the hard work in. My son at 22 just told me how great a job I did at being a mum which pretty much made me cry because you get the guilts and worry you are fucking it all up.

I'm glad that technique is just sitting down and processing worked for you. I tried to meditate which works because you're training your brain to pay attention. However sometimes it's real value is just to sit there and think and process so you can move on. Sometimes we have so much stuff going on it's hard to do that.

Posted using Partiko Android

That dream was absolutely bananas!!! Felt so real and like I took me a few seconds to comprehend exactly what was what once I woke. Nutty!

That’s so rewarding to hear from your son I bet. My kids have a hard time paying compliments. Not that I’m fishing around for them but when it does come naturally, it feels like you’ve conquered the world. Congrats on doing a bang up job! ❤️

I should probably try meditating but my mind is all over the place. I’m afraid I’d just get deeper and deeper as I have a hard time clearing my mind. The one thing I’ve found that works is when I get massages. Within a few minutes I’m in a totally relaxed state. Not just the body but my mind is freed for that session.

dude I find it super manly of you to A: admit that parenting is something that makes people insecure, as you always have to be making decisions for everyone around you. and B: crying when thinking of the dogs...

welcome to life again, with all its aspects in get a drink will ya!

Super manly....words never associated with me before. 😜

Yeah parenting can be tough. Especially as a step parent. Although we are close and have good relationships, it’s still a delicate situation and finding a balance is a constant battle.

Oh I could be an award winning actor now for drama. All I have to do is think of my pups and the waterworks start. Lol


Stepparenting I would totally believe you is a whole next ballgame dude...for real! Politics in the family, that is what it is!

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