How can I always be happy?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The very short answer to it is Just Be.


There are lots of ways to be happy or divert your mind from any situation which is making you unhappy. But trust me, there is no technique which can make you happy eternally.

There will always be ups and downs in life which will test your both emotions happiness and sadness. And that’s perfectly OK. At the end, these are the emotions which make us more human.

Though, you can develop some habits which over the time may make you a more cheerful person. Some of them are -

  • Daily meditation for at least 5 minutes.
  • Spend some time with children.
  • Play with your pet, if any.
  • Watch comedy stuff.
  • Smile more.
  • Exercise(researches has shown it releases happiness hormones)
  • Start enjoying small pleasures of life.

The list of the habits is endless. You may have got the zest by now. The point is, you have to teach yourself to be happy unconditionally.

Or just fake it until you make it. One practical tip can be like setting up some trigger points like whenever you go to washroom, you will laugh out loud. Trust me, just go and fake some laughter, you will immediately feel good.

There are no tips and tricks to be happy. It’s just a habit which needs some practice.

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