The Cost of Doing Business: the big question

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Can I ask you a question?

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Why do you go to work?

I’m assuming that you do, because most of us have to.

I submit to you that at the end of the day, you and I work because we must.

We have debts and obligations that need to be met.

We all need to put the proverbial roof over our heads and food on our tables.


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Ultimately, we work to provide for our basic needs, not only for ourselves but also for those who are dependent on us. We do this with the hope that one day we can stop “working” and have time for the people and things that really matter most to us.

Tragically, the hope of reaching that tantalizing carrot on the end of the stick is often never attained.

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Consider the following stats:

  • The average life expectancy of an American male is 76 years

  • 81 years for an American female.

  • The average age of retirement, that supposed golden era of our lives not bound to "working" is at 63 years of age.

Let's do some quick math to see what the ROI (Return on Investment) of this carrot chasing produces.

  • So, the average American works 30-40 years chasing that carrot, sacrificing their "what matters most" for only 13-18 years of time freedom.
  • On average, that's a 3 to 1 time investment.

Not very good, if you ask me.

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Especially, if you consider that the enjoyment of such time and economic freedom comes at the twilight of your health and energy stores.

Most people finally reach retirement and then are not able to enjoy it because they're too old and their loved ones just don't have any time for them. Why? Because they are now busy chasing that same ol' carrot that consumed the best years of their elders lives.

The steep cost of doing business needs to be paid from one generation to the next.


Will this insanity ever end?

There has to be a better way!

I believe there is.

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Stay tuned to my next post on this subject to find out what I consider to be a better way.

I'll give you a hint. It has to do with being B.L.U.E.R.


Quitters never win and winners never quit, but this who never win and never quit are just plain dumb.

Thanks for Reading!


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My husband and I have had this conversation at least once a week for years. I'm so happy I found Steemit. The content and uplifting support I've seen here is so inspiring and I feel like this community is going to be instrumental in our transition to the homestead life! As soon as I have a couple hours to put it together, I'll be posting my introduceme and then I'll start posting regularly. Hopefully I can give back a little to what I've already gained so much from!

I've found that if I don't get up early and make time to post on Steemit I generally don't have time during the day. So I encourage you to get up early, spend some time in prayer and meditation on God's word and then post on here. You can do it!

Thanks for the tip! Incorporating that into my routine will be easier to do in the morning.

My husband and I are only in our 30's, but we already got sick of the work-dictated rhythm of normal life. I used to drive more 3 hours a day for work, which was totally not worth it. We both quit our jobs to homestead (much to some of our city-friends' confusion), and to actually be there for our growing family. The crazy thing is, we've been able to patchwork together enough of an income (aka the Father has been providing in amazing, near-miraculous ways), that we live better than we did with two full-time jobs. We're sold the lie that we MUST have a full time job with benefits to live well--college breeds us for that mentality. No one is told that it is possible to thrive any other way. Learning how to be self-sustaining, in medicine, food, and material need is something the mainstream doesn't teach!

It is amazing to most folks that the instructions by our Creator shows and tells us how to live and debt was not one of them!

Agreed. The borrower is the slave to the lender. Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another. Funny how you never hear sermons or mainstream teachings on such things. My wife and I made the decision to get rid of all our debt 4 years ago. That includes mortgages. For debt = slavery. and for freedom Christ has set us free!

My wife and I are working to achieve the same goal. Unfortunately for us, we made a lot of financial mistakes a long the way that we are almost done paying for. Meanwhile we've been taking steps to hit the ground running when I'm able to walk away from off the homestead work. That day will be coming within this year, Lord willing.

Pretty dark! I don't think work itself is the problem, it's WHERE you work and HOW MUCH you work. Working from home, for instance, or working part time is not such a bad thing. Working long hours away from home or being on the road for days at a time, that's where large chunks of life disappear. You don't get those chunks back.

Chunks are forever gone, agreed. It's important to have a vision, count the cost of achieving that vision, and execute said vision with minimal distraction.

At age 40 I retired from working for the public (Dr told me I had about 6 months to live). I instead focused on what gave me the greatest joy and made a business out of it, never looked back!

Looking forward to your next post, @bluerthangreen! You hit the nail on the head with this one. That carrot is getting pretty stale...

It sure is stale, yet so many fall into the trap because not enough people are championing a better way. For those of us who know the truth, we need to shout it from the mountain tops. Those that have ears to hear will.

Its mostly the central banks fault.
Most people here know they are the cause of inflation, but few know the diabolic reason for inflation.

I have written, that in our time, a large house should cost about 12 months of your life, not 30 years. (and an apartment should cost less than 3 months)

It is only because of bank money that houses are as expensive as they are. Even though house building has gotten MUCH cheaper in terms of man hours.

The evil satan worshippers want everybody to live in constant drudgery. To never have too much free time to actually improve the world. So, with money printing, they are able to continually move the goal post.

Everything in the world has gotten much cheaper in man-hours, but has continued to creep upwards in terms of how much of your life is traded for them.

One of the greatest schemes of the enemy is stated in Exodus 5:9. "Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein; and let them not regard vain words." The more we have to "work" to achieve our basic human needs the less time we have to contemplate truth and build up our families. In the end, we end up following lies and our families lay in ruin.

I work because I am trapped in a controlling society. Just as soon as I have earned enough money to buy out of this demeaning lifestyle I will do. This is the thing that makes me put up with it.

Although I do love my job and don't mind going into work. In fact once I escape the controlling society I would like to do the same thing. Just now pay for their corrupt wars and destruction of poor peoples souls !!!