The F.B.I.

in #life7 years ago

Just recently this past summer I set out on a journey to discover how to go about getting a job with the FBI. I was not sure as to what I would want to do with in the Bureau. I have always had the idea from countless movie titles, but one major issue remained in what I saw as a troubling one. The issue of missing children and adults. If you have ever been to a Wal-mart you notice posted many names a faces of children that are missing. I find this deeply troubling and have always wondered if I could help out.
So I did some research and found out that it is quite a process. I eventually found the correct website. is where you apply. Now I believe I ended up applying for Special Agent, thinking that this was a complete waste of mine and their time......little did I know I got invited to a meeting event in Detroit.

Now back to the start where I thought I was wasting my time and theirs. I only have a 2 year computer I.T. degree with a flex track on Networks.

When I was applying from what I found they only had jobs posted for in Detroit, Houston, and Virginia I believe.

For the most part in this blog I would like to apologize to the FBI for wasting their time. I had little over a week to decide on taking the trip to Detroit but decided not to go. It happened to just be bad timing for me. I have to admit receiving the email from the Special Agent in charge was quite intimidating, but at the same time it was very calming seeing that they had wanted me to attend this mixer type of event, that was not really a job offer but more of a how to(at least I think so)

I look forward to making clear my career and dreams moving forward and following thru on them as they come to me.