Torturous Trials and Tribulations - My next 6 weeks...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

If you've been reading my posts, you'll know I'm not all that well...
Over the course of the next 6 weeks, I'll be undertaking surgery to fix my broken face...

Torturous Trails and Tribulations

My Next 6 weeks.

Another feelpiece, By Bob Downlove

In 3 days time, I get started on a long and painful journey back to good. It's the scariest thing I've ever faced, and as a 31 year old father of two, I'm not afraid to admit it. I'll be having my rotten and shattered wisdom teeth surgically extracted, along with the roots of the rotten molars they've crushed in their path to glory, and all the fragments of bone and pockets of rotting flesh that are making me sick, almost daily...

New X-Rays coming this week, stay tuned for the good, the bad, and the UGLY!

This is my jawbone after the reconstructive maxillofacial surgery 8 years ago, June, 2008.
There was no follow ups, no physio, no compensation.
Note the position of the wisdom teeth, which are still in my head to this day...

Follow me as I endeavour to correct everything in my life this has destroyed, and attempt to catch up with the old 8-ball of life...

Over the course of 8 years my teeth have gradually gotten worse and worse. Waiting on the public dental waiting lists here can take often 3-4 years, and if you're called up and can't make it, you're back to the bottom again... I've had 3 callups, each time my life circumstances prevented me from taking the action... Once was a child being born, needed to keep working to support them. Another time was because the family car's engine decided to blow up climbing a hill on my way to the surgeon's office, resulting in a 6 month, $3000 rebuild, performed by myself no help, no expertise, nothing but rudimentary backyard methods and constant google loads...

Never the one to let a challenge hold me back, I keep marching on...

I was actually just going on my Facebook page while writing this, and here's a memory being shared at me, something I wrote 6 years ago

Theres no WIN without a competition, theres no FAIL without an attempt. Don't be afraid to get amongst this shit we call life, its a great little game...

Somehow I think I sent that message to myself from the future, because RIGHT NOW those words mean more to me than they ever could! I need all the strength I can muster, because I've never been so scared in my life. The pain and suffering I went thru to get to this moment, just to have to stand on a diving board, knowing what I'm heading into, and take the dive all over again...

But I gotta do this for my KIDS!

They came into the world PURE. No hatred, no remorse, and definitely no preconceived opinion of their father, the DropKick. They don't deserve excuses, or even reasons for my failures. They only deserve the best I can give them, and they're my prime motivation for being a better man every day!

As scared as I am, it's scarier thinkin of them growing up with NOTHING

Or not having me around, coz I was too stubborn, or too focused on trying to get the last squirt of energy out of my life force for them, that I prematurely expired!

My kids are very much loved, and it's hard for me to put them up here.
This was their first time I'd ever been able to take them to the beach...
It was a very cold day, icy bay winds cutting thru us and had just stopped raining, but the kids weren't letting that stop them!

Before these amazing gifts from God were bestowed upon me, I was a drifter. No life, no hope, no purpose. I lived in a crack den and cook house, and my bed was a squirrel nest beside the main cooking area. You don't know insomnia til you've tried to sleep in a cookroom! We lived under constant police surveillance, bugged house, night-vision across the river, every time we'd leave the house, our cars and persons would be stripped and searched... What a life, eh?

I actually have to cut this short for now, as I must go. Real world commitments and all that. Now that I've opened the box, there's no stopping now. I'm gonna tell you all my story the best way I know how...

Just writin it...

For now tho, I will leave it at this, and continue on a little later. There is much more to this story, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the read :)

Thanks again for your time and support!

If you liked this, then check out my other open writing work

Why I love being COMMITTED to the BLOCKCHAIN

Steemit and Manic Depression - A Dangerous Mix...


One of Steem's #undervalued writers imho. Keep at it Bob!

Thank you for your relentless and invigorating support my friend!

Upvoted Bob. I didn't know you weren't well my friend. Let me know what else I can do for you. God bless you and get better! Feel free to hit me up anytime - SteemitQA

@bobdownlov Sorry to hear it. Have you considered some medical, err well dental tourism? Where I live it's a hop skip and a jump to Mexico where you can get all your dental and medical work done pretty cheap and the best part is there's no waiting.

sending my prayers

Thank you for your comment. Here its a bit trickier, my options would be overseas.
I really shouldn't have to go to these lengths, because it wasn't something I did to myself.
Truth is, even over here, if I had 15-20k to spend on it, there'd be a line of surgeons round the block wanting to fix me! :P

@bobdownlov Ok so let's get you to 15 ot 20k so you can get it fixed. To my mind that's at least as important as anything else the community is doing. Without you, I dunno who I'd go to when I want someone I can argue with. :) You also make a lot of great content and commentary.

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 10.2 and reading ease of 67%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.