How to create unique hashtags for a series of posts

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemit Community!

If you are a person blogging about a variety of things like myself, and want to create a series of posts within a specific topic, this post will be about how to "structure" your posts, so that your posts, collectively, end up telling a story.

For Example: My Steemit posts will fall broadly into topics like Software, Cryptocurrency, Crypto and Forex trading strategies, Music, Travel, Food, Hiking and other outdoor adventures.

So I needed to think of a way I could make my hashtags unique so that readers could find all my posts about a particular topic.

So here's how we're gonna do this:

Untitled Diagram (3).jpg

Step 1: Create a unique hashtag

Let's brainstorm how we can make a unique hashtag:

  • We already know our @Steemit handles are unique, so for starters, let's add our usernames as part of this hashtag. So for me, all my hashtags will start with #brandonmay
  • For one of my series/topics, 'How To's', I could simply append the text 'HowTos', to the hashtag in step 1.
  • So now we have a hashtag that reads something like: #brandonmayHowTos, And that's basically all there is to it:)

Step 2: Add your unique hashtag to all your posts in your series

Step 3: Optionally add a link to a Steemit search for your unique hashtag

Somewhere in your post you could optionally add a link to this search (How to add links to your Steemit posts) and say something like: "To see more posts on my series: How To's, click here"

The URL you want to use in your link is: "" followed by your unique hashtag text we built up above, like such:

This step is optional, because users can click on hashtags to search for it anyway, this is just a way to make it more explicit for the reader and perhaps to make it read easier.

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Posted as part of the #brandonmayHowTos series