How to Change the World

in #life7 years ago

No amount of technology, government or religion will solve anything. People need to change from a fear based existence to a love based existence.

How do we do that? We need tools to change how we think. Information is the most basic. First and foremost is to understand who or what we really are. Science shows that we are pure awareness or consciousness outside of the human body. Until we get to this true foundational philosophy we really are not going to change much about the world.

Research into reincarnation, psychic mediumship, brain science, near death experiences etc. all indicate strongly that consciousness lies outside of the human brain. In other words, our brains are not generating our consciousness. The reason our behavior is affected by brain biology is because the brain is an interface for consciousness much like your computer is an interface for the internet. You can access the world wide web from your computer but the internet is not located in your computer.

So, the first step to transforming the self is to change the way we identify ourselves. Instead of seeing our bodies and thoughts as everything that we are, we need to expand our awareness to a higher level by looking at the science of consciousness which shows that consciousness is outside of the human body/mind complex.

Since this is a major step for most humans it needs to be reinforced with scientific information and direct experience. Don't take anyone's word for it. There is so much misinformation in the world that only a hard nosed but open minded look at the facts will uncover the truth about what we really are. No information source is perfect. That is why I recommend reading and researching a variety of science based books and other media. Some of the books I have read and recommend are: Michael Talbot's Holographic Universe, Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now and A New Earth, etc.

Second most important thing: Be the watcher or seer of your ego/identity.

Your thoughts affect your body, other people's bodies and reality in general.

Thought affecting your body - everything from sweaty palms or a skin rash from nervousness to stigmata from extreme religious beliefs.

Thought affects other people - Heart math Institute research. Distant healing research - 1991 William Braud and Marilynn Schlitz measured skin resistance on people who were the targets of healers and they showed a significant correlation to healers having an effect. Or, how about Rupert Sheldrakes experiment on the feeling of being stared at. Or, telephone telepathy...

Thought affecting reality in general - Lynn McTaggert did some intention experiments in conjuction with Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University Arizona with water with the intention of grow placed on it. Statistically significant results showed that the seeds watered with grow water sprouted better. I did this experiment myself and had the same results. Rene Peoche did baby chicks experiment affecting random number generator, also the Princeton Research anamolies lab got positive results for random number generator experiments.

Pay attention to what you ingest.

Second step after realizing that you are not your body or thoughts is to reprogram your self with new information and behaviors like diet etc.

First look at what influences you. Parents, TV and media, school, friends, human instinct. These are some of the major factors programming us and holding us into certain beliefs and values.

Draw Your Own Map Up The Mountain

Asses your consumerism, asses your fears, etc., each one of us is on a different path up the mountain so to speak so there is no definite formula or map that fits everyone. That is why some general information benefits everyone and then you can draw your own map up the mountain.

Our beingness is holding a mirror up to us giving us exactly what we need for the evolving of our consciousness.

Open up to synchronistic leading.

What is synchronistic leading? amazing coincidences, not necessarily leading to what you want but trying to lead you to what you need and your soul's destiny. Science shows you have a higher self, a consciousness that goes beyond your physical body.

Everyone has a soul destiny.

It can be found by getting your ego/identity and fear out of the way and following your heart and loving the truth even if it makes you wrong.

Trust your intuition.

Thanks for up-voting, following and re-steeming.


I love your posts.
Keep the good work.

Thanks for the support thhiggi. I am also posting as bruceking.eth in the genre of voluntaryism/anarchism.

Just followed you there too.

Thanks for the re-steem Jam.

Absolutely 😁. The post happens to sum up everything I have been learning in the past few weeks about consciosness and human behavior. Great points.