The Butt For Real 'Conflicting Goals'

in #life7 years ago

Lately i have watched and engaged in several conversations dealing with sharing things that are more personal and real, things you may even be afraid of. I have often had ideas... that made me say...nah, i shouldn't vlog about that, 'that's boring for people, that hits too close to home.' any number of self blocking mechanisms really.
When really there needs to be a place for honesty and fear chasing.

▶️ DTube

Awesome man! Was nice to meet you in our phangan jungle meet up ;)

Nice @nikkapoo let me know if you ever start dropping posts. ill throw you some love!

I feel ya, man. Even passions can feel like a grind sometimes. And when you're in paradise, I imagine that feeling is only amplified.

Also, fairly certain the beginning of your vid gave me an acid flashback. That only happens when the editing is strong... so well done.

Haha...yeah man...doing that edit was kinda like a bad trip for me....haha... but i survived and came out enlightened

Wow you have come a long way with your video editing skills already! Really loved the opening sequence. I feel ya and I think my vote would come down on the side of more enjoying of vacation and less of anything that feels like "work" in the moment, whilst on vacation. <3

i really appreciate that @carlgnash it honestly has been a stretch to my comfort zone at times...but im glad for it as it is certainly coming easier. i have tried to just bite piece by little piece. then repeat a bit to make sure the skill sinks in. but yeah... vacay and family must be priority. so recently hit the breaks a bit and re-ordered time management to give priority to fam. big love

M8. I totally understand where you're coming from! Get down the beach and go snorkeling with the kids on the reef ;-) I put myself under that pressure to try and get out a post/day and then sometimes I wake up + I'm like, hmmnnn in the words of the pixies 'where is my mind'. It's just blank and I can't even write a post that I had alrady figured out the theme of the day before. This has happened the last 5 days big time after slamming the SndBox posts. I've managed like 3 posts in 10 days. Sometimes, we need to take space to find inspiration, that's just the way it goes with creative endevours. Anyway, hope you find the pace that suits a vacation, as after 7 years, you deserve a break m8. Peace :-)

Cheers @raj808 yep... ebb and flow. pushing it just cricks the neck and spirit. snorkeling this saturday actually. hope you nail that sndbox application!

I love the start of this video. You definitely took me on a bit of a trip!
I really appreciated watching this. I just made my first video in nearly two weeks after being in a heavy state. I was skeptical about sharing because it's really raw and vulnerable. I felt more confident after watching your video and @elimas video with you both just opening about your struggles. We shouldn't have to feel like we have to hide all the things that make us human.

cool...ill check out @elimas video and yours now. yeah...absolutely...hiding never gets you to the places you want to be. i recently watched and @joshbillings vid about putting out things that scare you. that was great and inspired be too. glad you liked. big love on shaking the skin of that heavy state!!

In the odd twist in the circle of inspiration, @neeqi actually inspired my video that you mentioned, @buttcoins. I would've mentioned her by name in the video, but I didn't know how to pronounce it. I guess my aversion to being wrong got in the way of me giving Sarah the shout out she deserved! Oh well, live and learn.

Great vid btw, Señor Butt. I totally resonate with you on thumbnails. You finally get everything else done and then the Billy Mays of optimal content creation comes along and says "but wait, there's more!"

Also, totally relate to conflicting goals. What I've been trying to do, is focus on values instead of goals. Goals will naturally compete for your time, but values are things you can bring with you no matter what you're doing. So if your value for content creation is to connect with people and share the inspired things you have to offer, then you can be in alignment with that value in many ways, and then spread that value organically throughout your day. You may even find that focusing on the world around you instead of trying to content will allow you to make effortless content where you just tell the story of what you just did in the real world. And that will often resonate with your viewers so much more deeply because we can see how you've already made the world a better place, which inspires us to do more of the same!

Anyway, just spitballing here. Sincerely hope you enjoy your vacation and have a fun time discovering and getting back in touch whatever version of yourself life has inspired you to become!

Sound effects usage is just on point! It's also super cute that your kid is a partner in crazy crime too now! ahah :D
I see as your beard comes off so does the crazy! Nice to hear you without your alter ego (although I did enjoy it a lot) :)

thanks for noticing the sound effects. you know many of the sound effects i created with layering several tracks of me making strange sounds with my own voice and then distorting it with the speed.

yeah... the kids are loving being part... they get excited about doing 'shoot' i have been taking a little break and amari is like when are we doing another 'shoot' dad.
yeah... i did several vlogs over a month ago when i was first starting that were more me... then i really started getting into the sketches and the process of editing... so yeah.. was feeling the need to get back and do a 'normal' vlog. haha. whatever that means.

Balance. It's a super difficult thing to find. That being said, it is one of the things I enjoy about the entire journey however. Nice video man.

yes... for me it is banging my head against a wall a bit...then stepping back and accessing. hmmm... how do i bang my head more efficiently. haha

Now that's why i love your videos always coming up with some unique things :)

It's good to have time for you and family, butt-face. I mean...buttcoin (buttface is @kevinli ...I mean....butter-face...)

I know the feeling of the grind ,brotha!!! I know the feeeeelin'

yeah... some of us gotta work at it hard.... we cant all butter-face around!

Nah, Buttface is @buttface :)

Keep innovating, Butt! Just don't burn yourself out.

haha... i almost spontaneously com-busted yesterday with editing snafu frustration. but the ocean cooled me down