Is This What You Really Want??

in #life7 years ago

It's amazing how people hate on the wealthy but won't do what the wealthy did to get in that position. I can't tell you how many times I hear people complain about their job but never do anything to change the situation. They just continue with life as they have for years.


Everybody has these dreams and goals that they THINK they want until reality smacks them in the face. When I first got into selling things online I thought it was going to be easy. All the marketers tell you how much they make and the freedom they are able to have but they never tell you the amount of work that it took to get there. They never tell you about the 50 others things you'll have to learn and understand either. 

And to be honest, the freedom that they have comes at a cost. That old 9-5 turns into 12hr and 16hr days. You start to become more lonely because all of a sudden you find yourself working by yourself most of the time. You find yourself in scary situations because you have no safety net, weekly check, coming in every month.

So why do people glamorize the laptop/entrepreneur lifestyle?

It's because THEY LOVE IT!! They love working 12 to 16 hours in day because what they do doesn't feel like work. They love the time they can have to themselves because to be quite honest, it's not many people out there like them. And even if they like being around people, they love the challenge of putting themselves out there to meet other like minded people. They love not having the "security" of a job because if forces them to grow and at the end of the day, MOST people are not cut out to survive this type of lifestyle.

Let's take Steemit for example. Most of the people came on here to make a quick buck. They thought that if they took the time to write a few blog posts that they would get these massive upvotes and when it didn't happen they disappeared.

They were in love with the possible results and not the process

This goes for pretty much anything in life. The people that usually are successful are the ones who put the most work in and take the most risks.

So if you're an aspiring entrepreneur or would like to own your own business one day then you really should ask yourself, is this the life you really want?


Yes, it is a lot of work being self-employed, at least in the early years when you have to do everything yourself. It gets better once you can hire a manager and service providers. But oh those early years!

I've been in an extended period of early years cause of me. That's why when you wrote about your dream I felt connected to what you said about the angel!

I'll tell you the same thing I told students in my Destiny Accelerator the other day: you have to structure things from the start in a way that scales. Too often people structure things in a way that they need to do everything themselves. It's easy to accidentally fall into because a) at first you are going to have to do everything regardless of how you structure things, so it can be invisible; and b) at first you are the only one who has the vision and feels ownership of it, so the only one who can be trusted to give 100%.

But take a look at what your business is doing and ask yourself how another $500,000 would help you earn more than you're earning now. And I don't mean something vague like, "well I can buy more ads or hire a couple people." That's not directly leading to greater marginal returns. You could buy more ads but still have the same marginal returns. You could hire more people but still be at break even after their pay is accounted for. I mean, walk me through it (though not me literally, more like you). Spell it out. Where does each dollar go and how does it make little baby dollars?

If you find that there is no way to do that, then you've got a sole proprietor business model and no matter how long you work it you're going to be working your fingers to the bone. Now if you love it so much you'd do it for free, fine. But if you would stop doing it if you realized you'd never be any better off financially than you are now, pivot.

That's exactly where I was too! At the time I was pretty green to it all and everything I was doing I had taught my self through reading and watching videos. Now I'm going through everything, creating and documenting my process so that I can pass it off to someone else when the time comes. It took me a while to realize that I had to structure things in a way that it scales. The book The E-Myth really opened my eyes to everything I was doing wrong.

Holding a 9-5 is easy.
Get up, go to work, come home. Leave your work at work and do what you want to do at home. Its simply.

Spend all that extra time and energy focusing on your projects, joys, arts, hobbies and more.

Owning your own busines is all consuming. Its work. A lot of work - especially if you want it to provide for you.

Yes, there are benefits to being your own boss, but you have to want to succeed. You have to first face your "fear of failer". Once you get over that, you need to face your "fear of success". More people fail because they fear success than failure. it is easy to fail. Its really hard to succeed. There is a lot of pressure there.

If you want to start your own business - go for it. create a business plan, create a plan, and work your plan.

If you want to make money, do a job. Be really good at your job. And work your way up the ladder of success. ask for promotions and raises. Do what it takes, within moral and virtuous guidelines, to rise up!

The easiest way to make money is to work for someone else.

The best way to start your own business is holding a job and doing it on the side. Slowly shift from your job to your own business.

It's one of those it's easier said than done type things. Many people let holding that job make them comfortable. I know from experience!

Try. Security and comfort go a long way in a world that is designed to confuse people.

The focus of society is on holding a job. Our identies and value come from the work we do. Just imagine telling people “ a i sit at home and blog all day” “ im a blogger” do people respect that? Lol.

Until society honors happiness joy and fulfullment as important jobs will be a priority.

It’s easy to hate successful people when you aren’t successful yourself!

BANG! Hit the nail on the head!!

There's a big difference between self made wealth, and inherited, generational wealth.

Some people just get lucky - and get born into money. They might do well to grow that money, but it's easier to make money if you already have money.

Then you get those people that come from nothing and build wealth. I don't think anybody can really hate on that - though there may be a bit of envy as to the fact that they were able to change their life significantly where others aren't.

The first type of wealth is seen a lot more often than the second type.

I agree with that but somebody had to do something to earlier on to make them wealthy. Not only that, the future generations had to be taught how to keep and obtain more wealth. There has been a lot of lottery winners, athletes, singers, etc that had millions and went broke.


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