Feedback and Opinions on today's youth joining the US Army

Good evening Steemians, so this evening I overheard two people discussing the topic Joining The US Army
This topic I feel I'm qualified to speak on to a certain extent

It was report day to selection, in which i won't speak much about anything else from here except to get my point across. Selection is the evaluation challenge they use to see if your cut out for SF aka Special Forces, I was lucky enough at this point to pass everything from airborne school all the way up to Ranger school which once tabbed life is expected to be held at a higher standard. After 2 weeks I washed out of Selection, my cadre said I made a dangerous call, however I had not slept in days already and was literally drained so when I was told I didn't tie my knot correctly and the men in my squad could have died I literally washed out, with 11 other people the class that graduated Selection was literally 9 people out of 241. I was tired of the Special shit, and trying to be Mr. American Bad ass I was ready for regular Army shit and to see my family at least a little bit, and I did I then got orders to Fort Bragg, got put with a special Operations unit and I was content then deployed and if you read older post you'll understand my background with the service.
The information above ^ isn't to say I'm a bad ass or better than anyone but its to display the time I had served and a few of the things I've done during my time in The United States Army, with that said heres my opinion
You go through hell with other men and women for periods of time that make you form a type of trust, or special bond if you will this bond is something you just know for example if I'm being harassed and someone sees me someone from the Service they are probably going to back me 110% especially if I'm in the right, you learn to trust these people with your life everyone to your sides and front and back, you learn skills that aren't what you'd learn anywhere else, you'll fight in wars that are dangerous and take a special person to do it for the most part, and you will go through Hell, and at times think its funny or you won't care what comes your way you'll hit it with everything you got NO MATTER WHAT.
above you'll see a few minutes of the US ARMY RANGER SCHOOL surviving the cut.
So when I say you'll hit shit hard you certainly will, and best part about it is, it doesn't matter your color, background, how much money you have, don't have, or any of that you are just the same as everyone else and your color is green.
So if your someone who likes that or doesn't believe in giving up or saying they can't then hell yeah jump abroad.
Who I feel the army isn't for is someone who doesn't pull their own weight, some one who hates challenges, some one who doesn't have morals and really doesn't care, and for some one who enjoys quitting because its easier it again in my opinion isn't for you.. I say this because regardless to how you feel about the service you have taken an oath to protect this country with your life if thats what it takes, now I don't control polotics nor do I know how to make the governments do right but the actual soldiers the men and women on the ground they are only doing what they are told to and they only know that they are doing their job and thats protecting people at home no matter what. So though there isn't much here those few sentences are pretty clear if you like a challenge Yes its for you go for it, if you hate challenges, and give up and can't change at all to adapt to being some one more? Then nahhhhh! Not your cup of tea.
Side note This little summary I made was inspired because of two people who both never served discussing what they think makes men and women good soldiers... The stuff they said.. I won't repeat but it really made NO SENSE.
The image on my header of this post was taken from google images pinterest
Please remember this is strictly my opinion.
Hey Whats the Ranger's Motto or saying?
Rangers all the way? Sorry I don't remember its been a few.
You were close its
"Rangers Lead The Way"
For your post propagation.
I love Us Army . . . . . . . . . They are the real Hero
Nice Video.
Amazing. . I like it. . Thankyou for sharing
Touched my heart!!
Awesome video bro army's are great.
Nice insight into life in the army, thanks.
Borderline ridiculous two people with no experience discussing what makes a good soldier. That's like me saying I know what makes a good deep sea diver. Yeah I think it's really big lungs, right?!
hey nice post come check me out I upvoted you
youth is the power be more patriotic for the nation @carterx7.