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RE: An Addiction I've Kept Secret

in #life7 years ago

It must have felt better to put that down on paper. The emotions need an outlet, and you feel better when they are expressed. However, you are right about the addiction part. It is a physical addiction and a mental habit. The first step has been realize the problem. The rest is a little bit harder. You have to figure out why it is a physical addiction. It isn't because you are lazy or not motivated. It is because the food, processed food, IS ADDICTING. PROCESSED FOOD IS ADDICTING!!!!!.

The ingredients they put in food are not by accident. You are eating junk that is processed, with flavor enhancers and other assorted chemicals, to make you like the taste. The companies are in the business of selling concoctions resembling food by making them taste better and making you want to buy them again. It is a business. Start by reading the book "Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us" by Michael Moss.

When you finish your research, do something about it. Stop eating the processed food. Eat only whole foods without packaging. Fruits and vegetables. Drink only water if you can. Do whatever you have to, but don't eat anything in a can, box or packaging. If you have a slip up, start over and do it again. Don't expect perfection but don't quit. Keep making small strides. Maybe have one packaged snack to reward yourself occasionally. Do whatever works for you. You can do it. Just start.