6 Essential Keys to Success!
Hey Steemians!
I'm sure that we have all planned in some way to achieve some goals in life, be they small or big. But, what are the main keys to success? What to do when the plan fails you?

First, you must love what you do, the goal you want to achieve. It is a big mistake to focus on something we do not like, something we do not love, since the initial enthusiasm will not be there.

You must order the ideas of what you want to achieve, how you will achieve it, what means you will use to do it.

Effort and dedication
Give your best effort and spend as much time as possible to what you want to achieve. If it is your greatest goal to achieve, you must devote as much time as you can, place it as your highest priority. If it is something second or third plan and you have other priorities or obligations, try to get as much free time as possible in the morning, afternoon or evening.
External opinions
Criticism serves two purposes; destroy and build. You must ignore such comments and opinions whose sole purpose is to destroy or damage your plans, and listen carefully to those comments and opinions whose purpose is to help you improve.
Even when you faint for the moment you must stay firm in what you set out to achieve, often our effort is little or much will fall apart for different reasons. But the important thing is that you continue. We usually get stuck when our plan fails us. But it is a mistake to do that, because in the first place, a plan is not a goal. Staying stuck and just watching how everything that we have built up until then collapses is the worst thing we can do, because while we let that happen we move further away from the goal. You can take a break, go for a walk or do something to clear your mind for a few hours or even a day if you need it, but after that time where you have cleared your mental block, start again with more effort where you left off. So "change the plan, not the goal" and go on!

We all want results as quickly as possible, but you should keep in mind that everything has its time. Do not despair about not seeing results in a very short time. Little by little with love, dedication and perseverance that you put to what you propose, you will see the results in due course.

Enjoy your conquest!