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RE: Are You READY To Be Self Employed?

in #life7 years ago

Fantastic writeup. I might add you will be missing an employee sponsored 401K as well. For my mental health & wellbeing self employment is very attractive to me, esoecially the older I have gotten. I'm currently in between jobs right now as my physical therapy contract at my job got cut at 12 weeks instead of 13 ( common for this to happen. ) I love my job in PT but have some health conditions that make doing it full time, difficult. So right now as I am between jobs, I'm glad to have three extra income sources steemit, nutraceuticals ( Have sold nothing yet but it'll come), and crypto trading. Are these enough for me to bare bones survive.... not yet but they help a lot. That's why I am trying to be a more successful blogger. I Have so many interests it is hard to "brand myself. " I love art, fitness, running, photography, steemit help, paranormal, fiction writing. Yeah that is a bunch of stuff. And working on ECS curation ( @eastcoaststeem my account to support primarily ECS through thoughtful curation)
It is alot and my expectations don't always match up but I'm thankful anyway. Great post, hope your leg is continuing to feel better