Our "little" Big Love story

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hi, here is Simone  - choupette again.

I always was a positive girl.
The were no problems, only solutions.
There were no errors, only lessons.

But around 2014 something changed. I lost my hopes, my positive feelings.
Too much work, too many lies, too many understandings and money problems.
Step by step I lost my optimism.

In August 2015 my best friend Sam died in a proud age of 12. 

Sure I have John, my lovely boyfriend and I have friends and fabulous parents, but Sam was my big buddy who stands always behind me, whatever happened.

A few weeks later I started searching for a new dog in our family.
I was searching on a rescue page for cats and dogs with thousands of them.
If you find a dog you like, you have to write his registration no, to find him back.
So many poor souls.

I was searching for a boy  in a middle size. Around 25 kg. Not too big, not too small.
I noticed some I liked very much, but one came always back.
Nearly impossible with my search choices.
A small one. 8 kg. 

(Bowie's picture from the ad.)

3 or 4 times I stayed for a while, but he was not the one I searched for.|
I thought.......

One evening after a horrible day at the office he came back on my iPad and something changed in my heart. It was a warm, lovely feeling and I made a decision.
This will be our new family member and I wrote the application.

John was a little bit skeptical because it was too early for him.
He also loved our Sam very much but as he saw this dog he started smiling and said: let's go.
Bring him in our life. Now he loves him to death as well. 

The 23rd of January 2016, Bowie came from the death shelter on the Azores via the private shelter of the angel "Theresa" to the airport . After one month of telling the seconds.

We were very nervous on the way to the airport . Happy like a child on Christmas  and a little scared. We had his pictures and a really short description. We knew not much about him.
The past of this little "Bowie" remains a miracle.

After an eternity of waiting at the airport with many other nervous future dog owners ( that bounce a lot), our dogs arrived after a delay of endless 20 minutes.

When he came out of his airplane box in a violet cardigan I lost my connection to the world around me. Tears came into my eyes, my heart and my stomach were warm and full of love.  

(Bowie at the airport, still kind of skinny and yellow from the Portugal soil. ) 

He was warm, soft, calm and his little tail was waving.
I knew: This is my Bowie.
This is my forever love.
I will always take care of you. 

He was dirty and smelled like a Skunk, but for us, he was a beautiful angel, that we take home now.

Bowie lives 7 months with now and he is smart, fearless, sweet, friendly to everyone and everything, well educated (so we think he had a good home before) and extremely funny. 

(with his Holiday Buddy Nero)

There was really NO day without a Laugh attack.
So we call him our Therapist.

Everyone's dog is a very special dog, so perhaps, if you have an pet, you might understand me.
It is impossible to describe why he is so special, you have to feel the moment.

But what I wanna say is:
At this moment he is sleeping next to me on his pillows ( yes! he decided to have two pillows and created his own place in our house) and tears are in my eyes by endless love and gratitude.

(The prince on the pea.)

At this part of my I life in some kind of a mental  prison with money problems and a broken soul, but this little boy brings the sun and optimism back to us and therefore I will thank you, Bowie, deep out of my heart.

I'm so proud of you.

I promise I will take care of you, teach you like you teach me and I will love you forever! 


There is always a happy end, if you're not happy, it's not the end!

Take care everybody, Simone - choupette