The criminal actions of poisoning the population through chemtrails have intensified lately

in #life7 years ago

The criminal actions of poisoning the population through chemtrails have intensified lately

Recently, incendiary revelations about chemtrails (the so-called "deaths of death" that some planes left behind) failed to stop the criminal actions of those who use whatever means, however abject , to reduce the world's population to 1 billion people. For this, among other criminal methods of poisoning, poisoning and illness of humans, they are spread artificially, for example by spraying from planes, toxic substances, viruses and pathogenic germs. I received from a reader of the yogaesoteric site in Bristol, England, some very eloquent photos of recent chemtrails in the area.

The phenomenon is not singular, on the contrary. Nor are we in Romania safe from these criminal actions. In our country we can often see these chemical streams over several cities. For example, in March 2016, several cities in the south of the country fell from the sky a brick powder containing iron, copper, lead and other heavy metals. This dust could be noticed in the weeks that followed in Bucharest, Constanta County, Bărăgan.

Environmental Protection Agency experts say that normally there should be no trace of such metals in the air and that their inhalation is particularly dangerous.

In Dobrudja, for example, dust rain contained chromium, lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium, metals that are normally found in soil and not in the air. It has also been ruled out that these dusts have been brought away from the air by far, since at that time the meteorologists have found no movement of the air currents that have come from North Africa, as presumed by the Medium . This hypothesis was only "dust in the eye" (this time in its own right) for the naïves who are foolish about the authorities' sapping statements.

Many people have noticed these chemical powders falling from the sky in the form of rain or simply laying on the ground. Some say that after the rain, the leaves have been covered with blackheads, and since then the flower blooms are no longer blooming. Others say that the vegetables wither and the flowers of the fruit trees shake before the weather, after such poisoned rains. The same happens with the vine, which seems burned.

Former Mayor Peter Vereecke of Evergem, Belgium has made some claims about what he calls "a death industry - Chemtrails," in an interview by Willy De Buck in De Gentenaar, July 26, 2009

We are releasing fragments from this interview:
"... Chemtrails are chemical clouds and disease-causing germs that are intentionally scattered over us to get sick and manipulate our behavior."

"My opinion is the following: all global processes involve money, power and control. The brains behind Chemtrails are at the top of the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. 100 years ago, for example, 1% of people had cancer. Today one of three people has cancer. This is very convenient for some. The curative cancer industry is a billions of dollars. As well as the treatment of so many "airplanes" in the last 10-15 years. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism, ADHD, asthma, diabetes, allergies ... I have never been as sick as I am now. Our psychic, emotional and intellectual health are systematically undermined. How do you explain that? "

"Look. Certainly, they play a part in this because flying planes are much more intensive in the past few years. You can see the phenomenon in our country (Belgium) at least 10 days a month. Why do not you see these Chemtrails above the Sahara or the Amazon? Spraying chemicals on these areas would be meaningless as long as people do not live there. Our whole environment is chemically infested: food, the health system, everything is based on chemistry.

Nobody does anything ...
Because our thought process is conditioned. Look at the eyes of the people on the street, they are sedated and walk like zombies. Bored glances lacking "joy of life" and without a perspective of life. Here comes my crusade: Wake up, open your eyes, act, before it's too late! "

On February 17 was a chemtrails attack on Constanta:

These are some of the sophisticated equipment

And here are the installations on board the planes that carry these harmful substances to the human body: