There is No Place Like Home - And Home is where your heart is.

in #life6 years ago (edited)


In the story the wizard of Oz, we hear dorothy murmur over and over again “There's No Place Like Home”.

When we take into account that the original paperback book told a story that was altered when it was transitioned into cinema; that the original story told of a Silver road, not yellow brick road, we realize that this silver road is the silver cord spoken about by those who have astral travelled.

This silver cord, is the cord that connects your astral form (your spiritual body or light body) to your physical body.

In truth, Humans have 3 boies - Mental, physical, and spiritual.
These bodies each have 3 aspects, making 9 bodies.

The reason there is a silver cord to connect your astral form to your body is because when one astral travels, they are literally travelling through space and time, and could get lost.

Thus, this silver cord ensures you cannot get lost, that you can always find your body.

If we take this into consideration, we realize that dorothy wasn’t dreaming - she astral travelled to another world.

Meaning that she wasn’t trying to get back to her home of kansas when she was in another world; she was trying to get back to her body - following the silver cord.

The Wizard in the Wizard of oz represented her own higher self; the part of her that realized how to get back to her body.

Thus, the wizard said unto her “ I do not have any power to help you other than tell you that you have the power to help yourself.

For at the end, when the wizard escaped on a hot air balloon, dorothy didn’t make it, and had to clasp her shoes together 3 times and intend to make the journey back home.

The wizard having no power at all to help dorothy tells us that the wizard is either an aspect of dorothy, or someone who she met so that she could be directed toward her own inner power and make the journey back home through intention.

Dorothy followed the silver cord that connected her spirit to her body, and arrived home.

But where exactly is Home?

The human spirit shines through the Human Body, animating the human form.

But where does the Human spirit originate from - and what is its abode?

The Human spirit is an extension of the creative source energy that is the first cause and prime creator.

The energy of the creative source of all that is shines through the human heart.

This is why the heart is often associated with “Love”.

The creative source is the all attractive, creative and benevolent energy that humans associate as love.

The word love originates from the word “Lobha”...but there are over 200 sanskrit words to describe what humans dub as “Love”.

These are words to describe the creative source energy that is the All that has manifested and is manifesting all that is, and all that ever was or will be.

The creative energy that has created existence through the creation, shines through the heart of every being, and through every particle.

It is known that, when a child is born, the heart forms before the brain, and is capable of transmitting and receiving more intelligence than the brain.

If you are interested, The {Heart Math Institute]( has produced much data about the Human Heart.

The Human heart emits frequency that flows through a torus field, as seen in the picture above.

The Human heart communicates with the hearts of other beings, and works in communication with the brain to decode and create reality.

Speaking on the subject, The Heart Mth instute says,

The heart has been considered the source of emotion, courage and wisdom for centuries. For more than 27 years, the HeartMath Institute Research Center has explored the physiological mechanisms by which the heart and brain communicate and how the activity of the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health.

ISCKON, or The International Society for Krishna Consciousness, describes the proccess of the creative source shining through the Human Heart as the Following.

Their word for the creative source is Bhagavan.

They attest that the energy of the creative source shines through the Human Heart, and is the force that animates the human being - the soul.

They say that the creative source has three states.

Its natural state as the all attractive one, which they call Bhagavan,

The state of that same energy shining through the heart of every being - which they call Paramatma...

And that same energy within particles and the ether around us; which they call Bhraman.

These states are all the same in that they are all the creative source manifest; the only difference is the state: what state this energy is in.

Bhagavan is this energy in all its potential.

Paramatma is this energy expressed as a being.

And Bhrman is this energy that exists in every particle.

This energy is the energy of The ALL which manifests and extends itself through the proccess of continuos creation.

This energy is consciousness - it is the first and only consciousness that arose from the abyss of timeless, spaceless nothingness.

Thus, all that is, all beings, every particle; all of creation, is an expression of the alive creative source.

Thus, existence is conscious, and nothingness, by definition, does not exist.

All that exists, is conscious to some degree.

The highest degree of consciousness is the fullness of this energy which ISCKON defines as "Bhagavan".

This same energy is the energy that animates YOU.

It is the force of ISNESS which shines through the Human Heart - animating the body of the Human.

Without this source energy, nothing exists; as it is existence.

This energy seeks to express itself in every way that it can - to create itself into different experiences.

You are this energy expressed as a Hue-man.

And this energy that is you can be tapped into; it can be expanded and developed into higher and higher vibration.

This energy can be found within your heart chakra - it shines through the Human heart.

This energy is the Love energy of existence.

This energy is home; and it is where your heart is.

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Brother, I have upvote and commented to you. Please make me upvote 1. You will not have any harm in it. But for your sake I will be much benefited so please, please brother just 1 upvote me..please ... please..please ..

It took time to understand your post but as soon as I understood I Lobha your post..haha

lovely post:) home is where the om is ..:P

Wow. Well explained man.

yes friend it is very true...