DMT The Spirit Molecule - What You Need to Know About One of The Most Mind Enhancing Drugs in Existence

Have you ever wanted to have an out of body experience? Does conversing with aliens on a higher dimensional plane interest you? What about reliving your entire life so far in the flash of a second? If these things sound interesting to you then you might be a psychonaut and should definitely take interest in DMT.
You may or may not have heard of it already but there is a psychedelic drug rapidly gaining popularity in Western culture. It's name is N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or DMT as it's commonly referred to and it's inside you right now! Some have even theorized that it's natural occurrence in our bodies may be what is responsible for claims of out of body and near death experiences.
DMT may be gaining popularity in Western culture for it's mind enhancing experiences but it certainly isn't new. Amazonian tribes have known of the benefits of DMT and have used it in their shamanic ceremonies for centuries.

From Wikipedia:
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a powerful psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. It is a structural analog of serotonin and melatonin and a functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines such as 4-AcO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-HO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT).Historically, it has been consumed by indigenous Amazonian Indian cultures in the form of ayahuasca for divinatory and healing purposes.[3] It was first synthesised in 1931 and later, in 1946, microbiologist Oswaldo Gonçalves de Lima discovered its natural presence in plants.[4][5][6] In the 1960s, it was detected in mammalian organisms as well.[7][8]
DMT is known for its relatively short duration of action, intense effects and rapid onset. For that reason, DMT was known as a "businessman's trip" during the 1960s in the United States.[9]
DMT can be inhaled, injected or orally ingested and its effects depend on the level of doses and MAOI inhibitor. The effects lasts a short period of time, 5 to 15 min. Longer effects can be achieved by oral ingestion, over 3 hours.[10] DMT can produce psychedelic experiences involving visuals, euphoria and hallucinations, etc.[11] In most countries DMT is illegal.

Is It Safe?
Well this is really a question you should research yourself a little more. I mean I'm just some dude on the internet. I'm not a doctor and you should definitely research it's safety more than just this article if you are going to take it. That being said DMT is safe. It's inside all of us already. What you should be cautious of is if you have any pre-existing heart condition. The high can be quite exhilarating. Depending on your method of consumption if you take it orally through use of an MAOI inhibitor there can be conflicts with many modern day medicines such as SSRI anti-depressants so you want to steer clear of ayahuasca tea and opt for inhaling the purified form of the drug.
Is It Legal?
That really depends on where you are. In many places DMT is an illegal drug and a crime to possess so be careful and know the laws in your region. In many places though DMT is perfectly legal or can qualify for religious exemptions. DMT has been used in shamanic ceremonies for centuries after all. You may want to even look into visiting native reserves in places like Canada where a shamanic retreat can be a perfectly legal vacation package that includes a DMT ceremony.
How Do I Get It?
Due to it's legal status and relative obscurity on the recreational drug scene DMT can be quite hard to get. If you have tapped all your usual psychadelic connections and come up dry then maybe you should check out my previous articles How to access the darknet and How to create an AlphaBay account and start shopping on the darknet. What you choose to do is your own responsibility. I'm just here to educate you on some options.
How Do I Take It?
I'm going to just by pass injecting it (which doctors have done) and focus on the two most poplar ways to experience DMT.

Ayahuasca Tea
This is the traditional method of consuming DMT orally in a tea. This is how Amazonian tribes have used DMT in their ceremonies. This method might actually be legal to part in depending on where you live and what your religious exemptions laws are.
This is also the method that could very well give you diarrhea or more likely vomiting episodes at the beginning of your journey in what is known as the purging phase. Choose carefully what you have to eat prior to consuming ayahuasca tea.
The effects of taking DMT in this manner are reported to be more subtle than inhaling it but these effects are prolonged for up to 8 hours.
There are various recipes for ayahuasca tea but the principle is the tea will contain one plant with an MAOI inhibitor which will stop your stomach from destroying the DMT from another plant also in the tea. The use of an MAOI inhibitor is what may conflict with medication so make sure to do some research if you take the tea!

Vaporize DMT
Vaporizing and inhaling refined DMT will yield the strongest effects. This method of consumption is what you will take you to that "other" place. Inhaling DMT can last as little as 30 seconds or as long as 30 minutes. Due to it's stronger effects, lack of a purging phase and limited time span vaporizing DMT is probably the more popular way to consume it these days.
You can use a plethora of modern day vape and ecig equipment to administer it. Tinfoil and hot knives are not recommended.

Why Is It So Popular
Almost everyone that takes DMT comes back a different person and for the better. People widely report a shared experience of visiting another plane of existence and connecting with alien beings that communicate on a telepathic level and aid them with overcoming very real problems they face in their lives.
It could all just be a hallucination and maybe those beings are just aspects of yourself telling you things you already know. Or maybe this is a brief glimpse into unplugging from our matrix and tapping into another higher plane of existence. Either way it sounds exciting to me!
If you are still interested in learning more about DMT I suggest you start with the two resources below:

Fellow Psychonauts, if you've tried DMT please share your experiences in the comments below.
Super note-worthy post!! We are all united through love and life! @steemlinks
Cool post, A friend of mine did Ayahuasca , It's crazy stuff. He said he pukes his brains out after a short time after ingesting it. Then after, the whole universe opened to him. He came back a change person. He was never the same angry person he was. He became a calm and more successful person. As you said in your post. It's most not for the un healthy. It can be quite intense, and if you have heart conditions, it might not be wise till you correct those issues. I want to try it, yet I got blood pressure problems. Oh well someday maybe, Thanks for your post @contentjunkie :)
The DMT documentary could be a post in itself.
A friend of mine recently extract DMT from some trees growing on his property and went on a controlled, supervised "journey" with it. Said he'll never look at nature the same way again after what he saw.
Ok, I want to briefly clear something up. Ayahuasca is not DMT, though as a brew it contains DMT. They are very different experiences. It is said among ayahuasqueros and curanderos of the Amazon that the DMT containing plant, oftentimes chacruna, is the 'light', whereas the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, also known as ayahuasca, is the 'teacher' plant, often thought of as a 'grandmother' spirit. SO, smoking straight DMT is an entirely different scenario than taking Ayahuasca. DMT all by itself is rather like being thrust into the spirit world, all by yourself, though you are not alone and typically you will encounter many entities. Ayahuasca on the other hand, is akin to taking an extended DMT journey with a very powerful guide, and teacher. With DMT, you're on your own. Either way, go with great reverence, if you do... It is not recreational, nor to be taken lightly.
I hope to one day get the opportunity. Thanks for sharing!
I'm going to pass on this stuff. It sort of scares me to think about it. Maybe I'm not very adventurous about this stuff.
What exactly about it is scary?
Maybe in my younger years I would have experimented with this but too old now I
This is an awesome pic. Who's is it?
Hugh Cronic maybe? I'm not sure of the original artist. I found most of them unattributed on blogs and couldn't find the original artist. If you figure it out let me know and I'll put it in the post.
In my region usually use Mimosa Hostilis plant for extracting DMT and then smoking. It is also can be used for ayahuasca tea (mixed with caapi plant) but you will need much more plant so usually here it's impossible because the plant is rarity (it does not grow here).
If you have not read the book "True hallucinations" by Terence McKenna, I strongly recommend you! :) It is a non-fiction story about the group of anthropologists who had ayahuasca experience in Amazon.