When's the Last Time You Got Out of Your Comfort Zone? // Here's My Story From Tonight

in #life6 years ago

Hi Friends,

I totally had one of those moments tonight where I got way out of my comfort zone. You know when it sounds super scary but you just do it anyway? Give this vlog a listen if you want to hear what I did - but I basically just want to say important I think it is to get out of your comfort zone regularly.

It can be scary in the moment, but I always feel a little bit a of a high afterwards and can really feel how much it makes me grow. Anytime I step out of my comfort zone - that same thing is a little easier the next time.

I'd love to hear about a time that you recently stepped out of your comfort zone. If you can't think of one - then maybe you should purposely think of a fear you want to face. Maybe it's finally sharing your music or art with the world, or having a hard conversation you have been putting off, or making that post you've been scared to hit submit on. Whatever it is, I promise you'll grow from the experience.

I hope you guys enjoyed my story from tonight and this slightly rambly vlog. Have a great night and I look forward to chatting with you below!

Xo, Lea



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▶️ DTube

So the challenge is to think of the last time you went outside your comfort zone? haha. I feel, as you age your comfort zone grows, whenever I see an opportunity to go outside it, I take it! Only if I see a positive growth as an outcome, though. Lots of things are uncomfortable for good reason; survival. Today I filmed inside a local burger joint because I needed 7 seconds of video for my recent REA[d}, 5 months ago I may have felt uncomfortable filming a scene out in public. Today, it doesn't phase me, haha.
I wait tables at night, so I am used to being on display and speaking in front of people (that is originally how I broke my fear of speaking in public 15 years ago). Its when I pull out a gimbalted selfie stick that the eyes look at me differently. If they ask I'll tell them where to find it. Glad to see you going strong as always ;)

oh wow that is a big moment!! Filming in public can be super nerve wracking - so good on you!! I've done it a few times too and it always gets a little easier each time. People definitely have a weird energy and judgement around it.

Once I got up at 5 am to go film something down by the water to get good lighting (in the summer), and there were a couple of retired guys out walking that totally ruined my take of the video cuz they were yelling annoying things at me like " Who you talking to over there? Does your camera talk back?" Stuff like that. Anyway, glad it sounds like you survived the burger joint filming experience!

You won't believe it the recent one was me applying your minnow of the month and also did an interview with you. Haha. If given a chance for something more comfortable, I would not do it. Because i have to be in front of camera, and with someone known, something to do with stepping into limelight....nahhh...i would be scared to death. Lol...

But something inside me asked me to "just do it, you super like her right?" lol..

So yup, I did step out of the comfort zone.

Yours was brave indeed. To did it all by yourself under the cold weather. You are always an inspiration ❤️

awwww Jadeline that makes me smile SO much!!! You were absolutely lovely in our interview and rocked it like a champ. I would have never known how much you were out of your comfort zone.

Big hugs and love from across the world!! <3

I have been challenging myself to crawl out my cosy comfy little cave of mine every time I do a dtube video... 😂😂😂 Never easy... I feel like I sound so weird, look so awkward and I forgot what I wanna say...

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Good on you to make yourself do it every day!! I used to be super awkward on camera, but it definitely gets easier as you go!

Not dtubing everyday... Not yet... But I guess I get what you mean... The longer I am in front of the camera, the easier I got my words out...

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It's great to smash through your fears and live a bit on the edge. I think it makes you stronger and more adventurous when you push the limits of boundaries that you set for yourself. Kudos to you. You should set up a camera next time and record a bit of your next adventure out there. Go put that giant soft dead animal scarf on and warm up! lol

hahaha that scarf is pretty amazing.

I thought about setting up a camera - but I already felt weird enough that I decided not to layer filming myself onto that. Maybe I will if I go out with a friend. :)

Yeah I can see how that would chuck a bit more added stress into the situation. Either way, great job stepping out and conquering the day. Takes a ton of courage to do so. #courgcate

well it was exactly 9 days ago, and in the end i decided to do exactly that, just close my eyes and submit and publish unedited rambling parts. it is really weird for me to be in front of the camera.

How did I missed your Dtube Vlog ???

Waiting to see more of your unedited ramblings :)

i don't know, everybody missed it and i thought that overall post with all the photos and video was very decent :D

I won't be missing your future vlogs :)))

I'm waiting....

oooh thanks for letting me know! I'll check it out. Being in front of the camera is super scary at first - so that's awesome you pushed yourself to do that. :)

it is really weird, not sure if i will ever get used to it :)

You're so right. All the magic happens outside of your comfort zone.

Usually, I'm the one stretching other people's comfort zones :D

Does that mean that magic happens around me, too?

I think you ARE the magic @holoz0r. Just spreading it around everywhere you go!!

My whole Steem experience has been out of my comfort zone given I categorize myself as an introvert but given the dynamics of the ecosystem, I feel it is a great place to test yourself and open up which I have and now cannot see myself not engaging here!

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aww that's so awesome to hear how much being on Steem has given you an avenue to open up and stretch yourself. <3

Hmm, when was the last time I got out of my shy-shell??? 🤔🤔 I guess doing @dtube videos was really challenging for me. I am camera insect , I am selfie addict but doing videos talking there is so much fearful and scary challenge for me 😂😂 But I came out from shy-shell And it was really great experience. I tried 5-6 times to be perfect but still i couldn't 😂😂 .. But I love to do crazy things... Thank for reminding me those incidents..

You are right. It's needed sometimes to come out from comfort zone and do something crazy.. it is fun.

Yeah we call it busking here too. You need a permit for it here though.
$5 is like 20 Steem though... ;)

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haha that's true!! If you put in those terms... I feel like I did way better. lol

Yeah there are some spots here that you need a permit, it just depends on the rules of the City. Also, there are plenty of places that don't allow busking outside of their establishment - so it depends on the individual rules of the shop too.

It's about some days ago when I joined dtube.


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