The Bowling Talk [2]: Living Means Dealing with the Strikes and Gutters
Are Conspiracy Theory Extremists what happen when Citizen Scientists and Armchair Warriors breed?
What will the conspiracy theorists say about Google hosting Ethereum on bigQuery? Seriously, they're doing daily updates of the Ethereum blockchain to the Big Data Behemoth. Are you ready to get your conspira-query on?
Do I see some Little Lebowski Urban Achievers?

"The thirteen colonies threw off their rulers and formed the Republic so-called. The slaves were their own masters. There were no more masters of the sword. But you couldn't get along without masters of some sort, and there arose a new set of masters–not the great, virile noble men, but the shrewd and spidery traders and money-lenders. And they enslaved you all over again–but not frankly, as the true, noble men would do with weight of their own right arms, but secretly, by spidery machinations and by wheedling and cajoling and lies. They have purchased your slave judges, they have debauched your slave legislatures, and they have forced to worse horrors than chattel slavery your slave boys and girls. Two million of your children are toiling today in this trade-oligarchy of the United States. Ten millions of your slaves are not properly sheltered nor properly fed.”
― Jack London, Martin Eden
Screw the Conspiracy Theorists and Google's Data Addiction, I'm going bowling.
We can live our lives fearing what the big data people will learn. Or, we can overburden them with so much data, they'll never sift it all. It's like, why don't we ETH party so much they call the cops on the cops who join our ETH party.
Dude, read that shit again. Nobody said, METH.
“Their highest concept of right conduct, in his case, was to get a job. That was their first word and their last. It constituted their whole lexicon of ideas. Get a job! Go to work! Poor, stupid slaves, he thought, while his sister talked. Small wonder the world belonged to the strong. The slaves were obsessed by their own slavery. A job was to them a golden fetich before which they fell down and worshipped.”
― Jack London, Martin Eden
Tides oscillate. Abide the flow.
The truth of all experience: oscillation. If you can't wrap your mind around the ups and downs, then you'll never abide the flow. All the inputs we receive come to us in waves, dig it?
“Sensation invested itself in form and color and radiance, and what his imagination dared, it objectified in some sublimated and magic way. Past, present, and future mingled; and he went on oscillating across the broad, warm world, through high adventure...”
― Jack London, Martin Eden
Persevere in the Face of Mountainous Odds
It's a hard climb up Abiding Mountain. Oddly, it's not the mountain that makes the climb hard.
“He felt the stress and strain of life, its fevers and sweats and wild insurgences—surely this was the stuff to write about! He wanted to glorify the leaders of forlorn hopes, the mad lovers, the giants that fought under stress and strain, amid terror and tragedy, making life crackle with the strength of their endeavor. ”
― Jack London, Martin Eden
Photo 1
Video 1
Martin Eden by Jack London
"Strikes and gutters. Ups and downs."
"Yeah, well, the Dude abides." — the Dude
Take it easy, Dudes!
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Cosmo's Recent Posts
- The Bowling Talk [1]: Dudeists Abide the Strikes and Gutters
- The Deep Shit Talk [2]: Naysayers Gonna Nay Like the Sheep That They Are
- The Deep Shit Talk: Deniers Gonna Deny
- The Perspectives Talk
- The Virtues Talk
- The Vibes Talk [1]: Ever Get the Feeling that Something Ain't Right?
Cosmo's Cannabis Posts

- The Cannabis Talk
- A Stoner on the Oregon Trail
- Wake Me Up Before You Stone Me
- The Conditions Talk: Schedule 1 Narcotics, Anyone?
- Response to @erikaharris' "A Native View of Cannabis Dosing"
- The Cannabis Talk [2]: The International Call for Decriminalization
[NOTE: Click here for an archive of all The Talks]
Didn't find these quotes from Martin Eden until after I posted. I guess I could have added it to the post. At the same time, here:
On Writing Realism:
On Living Realism: