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RE: An Update From The Snow Queen

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Your truck is named Rufus?

How is it that I've missed that? Very cool.

While living in New Hampshire (in the 1970s) I'd go out for cold weather walks and come back in with a fully icicle-decorated face full of whiskers... so enough about this minor nose-hair stuff... ;)

And you say, after this winter you'll be bench pressing 400 pounds, right? ;)

Here's a hug to warm your carcass a bit... 🤗

I have to gather some firewood and kindling myself today, we're suffering from overnight temps in the 40's... (yeah, above freezing, that's right...)...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful snow-scenery for those of us not quite cold enough to have our own... ❤️



P.S. I didn't get here in time to vote your post, but I voted a comment of yours... ;)