Equality VS Equity

in #life7 years ago

Hi everyone Cris here!Today i'm going to talk about Equality (of chance) and Equity (Equality of outcome).


I find this picture a good representation of the two concepts . Equality means that everyone is given the same chance regadless of who he is (all the family members are given a box) .Now this dosen't mean that equal opportunities means equal outcome , the dad could see the game even without the box , for the middle son the box is enough to see the game but for the youngest son one box is not enough .Even though they all have been given the same chance ,the outcome depends on the individual . As in life we all go to school but we get different grades ,this depends on how much we study and how well we grasp the information (i won't touch on other variabels such as inteligece ,talent , wealth etc.)


Now lets talk about equity .Equity means that regadless of who you are you will get the same result as everyone (the dad gave his box to the youngest son or he was NEVER Given a box in the first place/his box was taken away) because he was tall enough to see the game without a box. The problem with Equity is that it kills the drive of the individual to overcome his current state ,why bother to work more or start a buissness when you will be given a promotion or everyone will be demoted and all will earn the same ? Why would i invested time in improving my life when someone who hasen't done anithing will have the same quality of life like me ? (i might evean lousee what i worked ,in favor of that other person).

In the end i belive that Equality will still let down a few people but Equity will let down a lot of people.If you want to add something or a topic for my next post please leave a comment.