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RE: They're Lucky its not Burnin'!: Around the Horn distractedly

in #life8 years ago

I think the worst thing about donny is that he has taken the concept of respect for others and shown that the presidency is just some rich person who is after some freeloading time in the White House...

I mean after two decades of the antics of these professional politician vermin, now we get some loud mouth yobbo who seems to not have any decency toward anything. What amazes me is he does not even seem to have any self respect. Truly money does not care who it hangs out with.

Donny has done more to radicalize extremist groups and force people toward terrorism with his crazy words than the White House managed to do in ten years of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He is an almost walking poster child for communist rhetoric and anarchists and simply a danger to the principles of democracy. If our youth see such vermin rewarded for stupid photo opportunity stunts they will not have any reason to believe in democratic principles.

I know Repubtards are against people voting but this is simply taking things way to far. It shows what senior zealots within the party actually care about their corporate image when they simply stay silent. These Republicans have made a lot of serious money out of the democratic process over the decades and now they do not even have the will to try and defend their own party's public image. . .

When people of go conscious lose hope they will despair and cling to any crazy nutjob with a weird haircut, history has proven that; time and time again. I think the worst is that Republicans try and give the impression of public respectability while fondling interns in private, at least now we know how Repubtards really are. How does one go bankrupt so many times that they become a MULTI Billionaire, ain't america Great...