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RE: Are You Happy With Your Life Or Do You Think Something Is Missing?

in #life7 years ago

At the end of paragraph 3 you say, "I often feel that I need to make more of my life and get involved in something other than the daily grind of work and home". Well, then just do it. Make your own choices. Be your own boss. Quite honestly, I get that I sound like a completely absurd guy that is telling you to just quit your job and do things that are interesting in the world, but I can almost garantee you that it will make you happy. Yes, you will have to go through the struggles of starting a business and all that stuff, but the process is what makes your life worth while, not getting up everday just to be told what to do. Only 1 and 3 Americans are really happy, and the majority are working under their boss. I know "Money doesn't create hapiness". But what creates a lot of money? Businesses right? And what would your own business have for in your life? Freedom right? And what can make you happier? Freedom right? And what can freedom and money do for you? Travel and expirence things right? So, I want you to really think about that, and I this post. Definitly earned an upvote/follow from me.