What I got up to this weekend and how was yours?

in #life7 years ago

I began my very early Saturday morning (at 4am again - it's a habit I am trying to stop) by watching Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. It's a childhood favourite of mine and it brought me so much happiness remembering all the little details of that film that guided me through my teenage years. I woke up at 1pm (again, I don't plan to continue this habit, I feel like a failure in society even though this is my summer) and got ready to get a train to meet my friend who I catch up with every couple of months. My mum decided to then have a breakdown and I had to give her the emotional support and guidance my dad was too awkward to give. I ran to catch my train so I wouldn't miss it and my head was pounding from how fast I ran - safe to say cardio isn't my favourite.

I got the bus from town and had to ask for help from a stranger with this as I am useless at public transport and asked the driver for the price of £4.80 instead of asking for the day ticket, so the driver looked at me as if I were a complete simpleton. My friend and I caught up with what each other is up to and had a laugh. We got food and a guy who worked there said hello to me very awkwardly and nothing else and my friend just laughed as these type of odd and awkward situations tend to happen to me a lot.

We got back and watched Paranormal Activity on Netflix and then watched Youtube and continued to talk. I had to wait a long time to get the train back and once I did get back home it was past 10 and it was if the roles had been reversed as my parents were at a party, left nothing for me to eat, but did leave a massive mess for me to clean up.

The next day, or today as I'm writing now, I decided to spend my time more productively as I've been so bored recently and relying on other people to entertain me and even though having a social life is obviously good and important, when you prioritise that above everything else, life does lose quite a lot of substance.

So I wrote up an application form to do a film course, planned accommodation and flights for it. I then cleaned and cooked and learned about setting up a blog. I watched St Trinian's which is also a childhood favourite. So yes it hasn't been a crazy day, but I do feel like I've achieved something which means a lot to me at the moment.