Major exaggeration on Sixty Minutes - German prison system as a valid template for the US to try to emulate

in #life7 years ago

Murderers are in jail in Germany, but no keys or locks on the cell doors, they get out on week-ends to go have ice-cream with their family, and they often have part-time jobs outside of the prison.   

The German prison cells shown on 60 Minutes are more cushy than living conditions of many in the US. Private bathrooms, personally decorated cells, the cells have doors with no keys.   

Prison cell below for an incorrigible murderer, who is unlikely to ever be released:

The German system is "nice" to the inmates, with a focus on rehabilitation. No focus in Germany on retribution for their crimes.   

And of course the liberal media like CBS focuses on one of the key reasons that they explain this is possible in Germany - different gun laws. More restrictions on the ability of citizens to get guns in Germany, is used as an explanation of why prisons in Germany are more like country clubs than jails. The liberal media does not like the second amendment. They would like it to be repealed or ignored.

Inserted into the 2018 version of the CBS news story was this little tidbit: "The German prison model is starting to break down for cases of Muslim prisoners, which are an increasing percentage of convicted Germans." Please read that again. The comment went by very fast in the news piece. But it is important enough that you should slow down and re-read.

"The German prison model is starting to break down for cases of Muslim prisoners, which are an increasing percentage of convicted Germans." 

Why does this German model not translate to the US, despite what liberal left wing socialist media and CBS would like you to believe:   

1)        20% of all prisoners in federal incarceration are illegal immigrants. They are often from vicious gangs, but even when not gang members they don't blend into the general population. The German model won't work until US solves the major issue of illegal immigration on the Southern border.

2)       There is an evil and violent culture among some in the black community, linked to but not restricted to hip hop and rap artists and a culture of lawlessness which is worshiped in certain segments of the larger community (references below). Those prisoners are not going to fit into a prison system like Germany's where "turning the other cheek" is the norm. There are certain violent segments of society where "eye for an eye" is the only realistic treatment plan.

What could we learn in the US from the German prison system, and apply to the benefit of all US citizens:

1) stop the extended incarcerations for minor drug offenses. Way too expensive to store human beings in a prison cell for 15 or 20 years, for minor drug possession of marijuana. We need to do away with the mandatory minimum federal sentence guidelines. Most of theses existing laws were championed by Democrats, who were trying to portray themselves as not being soft on crime. As always, they never thought about the side effects and unintended consequences of their law making.

2) stop the extended incarcerations for "three strikes and you are out" offenses. In practice, these minimum sentence guidelines are not achieving the desired outcome. Significant rework needed to these laws. Most of theses existing laws were championed by Democrats, who were trying to portray themselves as not being soft on crime.  As always, they never thought about the side effects and unintended consequences of their law making.

Is there a bi-partisan path forward on changing these laws?  Yes.

Democrats who want to curry favor with minority communities can get together with Republicans that want to restore financial sanity in Washington, could get together and right a lot of historic wrongs that were done by excessive minimum federal sentencing guidelines and three strikes and you are out laws.




One of the things that should be required in all US schools before graduating high school is a mandatory Basic Training Boot Camp to discipline all kids for the real world. At the completion of that you would graduate Highschool .

I don't totally disagree. Just kinda seems kinda commie. North Korea/China also have rules like this in place. Except I think it's actual military service requirements.

There is a line of thought that US should still have compulsory military service, including men and women. For one year maybe? Two years maybe?

Would make the leaders in Washington think harder about sending troops into new wars, if they were voting on sending their own sons and daughters into harms way.

And there all the side benefits of integrated service. All classes, all social groups, everyone getting at least 16 weeks of serious discipline before they are deemed to be "an adult"

I don't think the USA could even institute a draft anymore. I like Trump but I would flee to Canada. War is hell and we have 10 times the military we need to unleash total hell and destroy the entire world.

If everyone that threatened to flee to Canada if xxxx happened actually did, it would be a better place in the US. LOL

Actually I might not even have to bother to flee. Our prisons are already full. Ignoring jury summons is illegal but I think most people do it along with drugs, speeding etc etc. We could all probably be serving lifetime prison sentences if our laws were all fully enforced.

Uh yeah. We can't even teach kids how to read and write let alone discipline. Maybe discipline would lead to better education but discipline would probably be scary for the sheeple.

Discipline would scare the crap out of the liberal left. IMAGINE !!! Forcing kids to do a year of military service. The left would FLIP out. They don't want anyone instilling the smallest iota of discipline and level headed thinking into the youth.

Democraps would permanently lose a key portion of their base - the idealistic youth who have no real world experience

Never said 1 year of military service , just a basic training boot camp style type of thing. It would also guarantee all graduates are in shape!

I think a lot of the right would also flip out. We'd probably have to lower standards a lot. Physical fitness is underrated. I would support having the military try and help get kids fit during schools gym classes. I took 3 and a 1/2 years of gym class because I realized the importance of physical fitness. I think most high schools probably only require 1 year of gym class. Running a mile or 5 in full gear during basic training is a lot different than shooting a basketball around for an hour. lol

Works well in Israel. Could work in the US as well.

muy interesante tu post! yo en lo personal no estoy de acuerdo con que los asesinos tengan libertad, a mi criterio deben ser encarcelados por al menos 5 u 8 años dependiendo como sucedió todo. El encarcelamiento para mi no es algo que deba tener lujo alguno! se supone que la persona como castigo es sacada de su entorno habitual para que recapacita profundamente sobre lo que hizo y el motivo por el cual su libertad se privada.

No soy tan indulgente como tú. Si usted es culpable de asesinato, probado más allá de la sombra de la duda y no sobre la base de pruebas circunstanciales, entonces debe ser condenado a muerte, no a apelaciones, está muerto dentro de 12 meses.

bueno realmente tienes razón, lo que pasa es que yo considerando que existe el arrepentimiento lo veo de esa manera! pero cuando no existe el arrepentimiento departe de el asesino si pues la pena de muerte es lo que merece

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No no no no NO NO NO. Don't beg. Don't follow for follow. It is not becoming.

And it will get you flagged so your REP goes below 25.

Friendly advice on what NOT to do on steemit.

Totally agree!

Why did you get downvoted on this blog post?