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RE: [Social Experiment] I slept with my 2 best friends. [Let me tell you why.]

in #life7 years ago

Nice story.. Not sure why you stopped detailing the second encounter, surely you experienced some different conflicts there.
There are quite a few modern day philosophers that talk about human contradictions like this, Stefan Molyneux is one of my favourites. Has helped me when going through something way more complicated than yours, complicated for me...
not my place to give you advice, I just want to go and say, if I was you depending on what intentions you have about these 2 guys, if none is serious, I wouldn't even bother thinking about telling them... if they find out they would just realise none of them meant anything more than that act to you, as long as you're ok with that, look forward, not back


Hi, you bring some interesting insights! Thank you. I agree that people should forward, rather than back, but I also believe my friends deserve to know the truth and that it is me they should hear it form.

Why do your friends need to know about who you have sex with? Of course if YOU feel it's necessary to fuck and tell, that is your prerogative, but your friends don't have a "right" to know and neither do the two guys in the story. In my view, telling them would come across as very "highschool" or drama creating. Any sexually experienced person knows that sex is truly "no big deal" 20 minutes after you're done. It's the EMOTIONS that are a big deal and these emotions are what actually have a lasting impact on individuals and have the potential to change us profoundly. Positively and negatively. Sex is fun, it feels good and is just a natural component of being in a body. Only society makes it weird/shameful/fucked up/dangerous. I vote keep it to yourself.

Hi @zenbit. I appriciate your motivated opinion. However, I, personally, believe that my friends do have the right to know. I know there are different views, but I am not the person to hide this kind of event for my close friends.