“The Progress of Your World.”

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Remember long, long ago, when you were considering living the "Potential Adventures of Manuel Chavez," among an infinite array of other choices, how you suddenly turned to me and asked deadpan, "How much trouble could I get into, anyway?"

Do you?

Do you remember my reply, Manuel?

I told you it would depend on a good number of factors, not the least of which would include climate change, geological pressures, celestial energy vortices, the star you're born under, political friction on the street, worthiness, luck, fate, or the mood I'm in.

At which point, we both burst out laughing so hard we almost needed stitches.

Like hyenas,
The Universe

Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Progress of Your World.”

Thought Adjuster: “You who are living on this world have experienced firsthand how easy your beliefs, your lies, your fantasies, your fears and the truth can be confounded. The complexity of today’s society has increased the confusion that a mortal can experience when trying to make sense of what she feels, what she observes and what she is told by others. This has not always been the case and it is not part of the plans of our Father to create conditions to confuse His creatures or to confound their understanding of the truth.

“Normal advancement of an evolutionary world involves the progressive enlightenment of the population through the development of a religion from the experiences of life — an evolutionary religion — accompanied with a few bits of revelation. As the spiritual level of human beings increases, their capacity to receive spiritual input increases as well, making greater revelations possible. This in turn contributes to the advancement of the entire population of the planet.

“Urantia has enjoyed more than the normal quota of revelation. The local universe Creator Himself came to live on this world and showed you the way. Before him, Machiventa Melchizedek came to refresh your faith about the existence of the universal Father. Now you are in the Correcting Time, when all the deficiencies of your past are being adjusted and all the mistakes that remain from the time of the rebellion are finally being corrected. Besides this, throughout your history, many of you have had sparks of revelation that are slowly finding their way into your popular knowledge.

“But even now there are some who obstinately reject the simple and evident truths that the Master taught two thousand years ago. Many dedicate a lot of effort to prove with the use of elaborate sophisms that it is not possible to live a life in which the only rule would be sincere love for your Father in heaven and for your peers. Some do not want every person in this world to realize the freedom that comes from understanding that they are children of a loving God, because this would awaken the masses and make them difficult to manipulate.

“However, each day the light shines with more intensity on this orb, thanks to many among you who dare to question tradition and hearsay in order to follow the compass of their Divine Presence, Who shows them every day which is the best way to live. Many are discovering that material things are irrelevant and that, regardless of the lies of this world, nothing of real value can be taken away from them. Anyone who wants to find God already possesses everything needed to do it and thus achieve his or her maximum potential.

“Do not fear those in power who conspire to keep you distracted and ignorant. Do not allow their schemes and their twisting of reality to fill you with fear and make you easily controllable. The only law of the universe is love and the only commandment is to be perfect, to be increasingly better, aspiring to be like our Father in heaven. All those who want to achieve the goal of perfection will be able to do so, because it is the will of our Father to provide all His children with everything they need for their spiritual growth and there is nothing or no one in this universe who can become a permanent obstacle in our Father’s plans.”

Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.


Good post and vital for a trader like me. Thanks.

Thank you! It's always helpful to have a channel to find meaning in life.

Good topic "Progress of your world". Good article

Thank you, @defango; I guess it's clear that I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going to keep trying until I can get the hang of Steemit! Thank you for your support!