As far as men are touchy creatures?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

 Today, we will address the topic, touchy man.
Many psychologists say that men are offended and it is normal, it is a reality with which we women have to - accept. And try to change her man - it's just a waste of time. Before taking a decision what to do next, you need to find out what is behind this offense.


It seems so sincere and real, but still need to be alert. This offense gives demonstrative, and it will be accompanied by a warning and possibly explanations. Our strong floor, use it consciously, for example, achieving intimacy. If  we hear: "I am a complete man, and I want normal relations, and its  refusal to you pushing me to other women who will understand me" - not  in a hurry to give up. Ask yourself whether you intimacy with this man needed. If not, the release of a man in search of women of easy virtue.
Offense-blackmail works best if a woman loves himself less than a man. Therefore, the best defense is - quite adequate estimation, confidence  and understanding that man achieves his goal is not always an honest  way.


This kind of resentment for what would be a man easily got his wish. And if the first offense he uses to realize the insult-manipulation - it can be called a weapon of his subconscious. It manifests itself mainly as a trait inherent in it can not be. The baby can express anger, pleasure, but he still can not be offended. Over the years, the boy is faced with increased care, parental prohibitions and understand that resentment helps manage adults. Especially mothers who are raising a child alone. Therefore, this resentment is most characteristic of a mama's boy. In general, to learn to find a common language with a man can be, it  is worth only find its vulnerabilities and to not provoke reflection.

This  offense may occur in the "bad" behavior of women, under which you need  to understand all the words and actions that may offend the man. This is a bad and dangerous offense, since it is not recognized - it can sit for a long time and very deep. The man is in a way trapped Rank: his self-image and self-esteem is not the same outside, and even contradict each other. And  if time does not stop this internal war, it can affect not only the  relationship with my girlfriend, and on the relationship with the owner  of all females. The most severe manifestations of this resentment is revenge and hatred. The best prevention of these offenses - understanding of male  psychology and a great respect for the right of your partner to be  themselves.
Touchy man can not be, if it is sincere love.