Finished my 4. book in 2018, excited for number 5!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

IMG_2907.JPGHeeeello beautiful steemians!

As some of you already know i challenged myself to read 52 books in 2018.
Today i finished number 4: "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell.

Because I read "Thinking fast and slow" by Daniel Kahneman some days prior to it I already had an understanding of how the mind works and when one should trust their instincts vs in depth examination.
Blink beautifully illustrates the power of intuitive judgement and it's benefits in certain situations with very vivid stories and gives good examples for when intuitive thinking is superior.
He also tells several stories of situations where intuitive thinking led to disastrous results and points out, that in these very cases a more careful examination of the situation could've saved lives and millions of dollars.

I really liked Malcolm Gladewell's style of writing, conveying his message trough little case studies on popular events.

"Blink" was definitely an interested read for me and i recommend you check it out. If you're interested in an more in depth examination on how the mind works and how you could reprogramm your often faulty intuitive thinking i suggest checking out Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking fast and slow" out first.

Anyways, that's it for Blink.

The next one I am reading is "Spin Selling" by Neil Rackham. I talked with a friend about wanting to learn sales and he handed me 3 sales books 1 week later (sharing is caring, right? :) ) out of nowhere. His recommendation was to read "Spin selling" first because in his view it's the most accurate, scientific and least "woo-woo" down to earth sales book he read.
So yeah...I'm reading this one right now and find it super interesting and already got some good strategies I could use in my own personal training business.

I will tell you more about it once I made more progress trough the book.

Until then...keep calm and read on,

  • Devin

What an AWESOME challenge for yourself!

I've simply promised myself to READ books this year. I've found with the internet I tend to gobble up LOTS of words, but not so much in book form anymore.

I'm currently reading, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos By Jordan Peterson. So far, so great :)

I'm gonna look for Blink. Looks like I'd love it. 😍