Now What is this Cancel Culture?

in #life4 years ago (edited)


It's been a while since I've expressed my opinion on something popular. I am just curious about this internet phenomenon, this so-called "Cancel Culture". I mean, since when did we start having a culture of canceling someone or canceling someone's culture? I think that ever since bad rulers began dominating social media, a lot of fancy terms seem to be coming out these days.

Cancel Culture has been circulating around the internet lately. So, I google-searched and this is what I came up with :

Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support or canceling popular people, companies, and public figures after they have said something considered offensive.

Why not just say "boycott" to make things easier for those who don't have a clue. Anyway, I think Cancel Culture just literally means canceling someone from your life or not giving them the benefit of public support. It is just another form of "mob mentality" I guess. It's like calling out popular people for something they've said that deeply hurt or affected us in a way (even though they don't actually care about us or even know us personally). Or what they've said or done are not aligned with our values and beliefs. And it doesn't even matter how long ago. Trolls remember.

In this day and age of internet outrage, If you've said something offensive in the past or blurted out an unpopular opinion, the public has a way of unearthing those and shaming you on social media.

It's baffling because people used to idolize these people and the moment they've shown something outside their "nice public persona", we cancel them. And we encourage our peeps not to support them too. In my opinion, public shaming says more about those who engage in it than the actual offenders themselves.

The thing is people don't seem to know when to draw the line, like when it is okay to cancel someone or when it is right to say anything. Like of course, it is okay to cancel a bad public figure who committed a heinous crime. Nothing is free even freedom. So this freedom to say or print anything we want has responsibilities and accountabilities to society and mankind. I mean, try screaming "Bomb" in an airport or crowded park, and see where your freedom of speech can take you. I doubt that you will like your surrounding.

I think this Cancel Culture affects most public figures and celebrities or anyone who really matters. But, us, mere mortals down here, Cancel Culture is part of our everyday lives. We stand in line every day to get fired, we say something bad, we do something bad, and we're canceled. And nobody gives a damn of course.

I am glad that I am not a popular blogger or something so this Cancel Culture should be the least of my concern. The idea is just funny though. We used to not care that much, except of course if it is something that would impact the world in the most profound way. But nowadays, people start noticing even the littlest of things. We focus too much on other people instead of making a change within ourselves first. Too much time on our hands perhaps?

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