#5 Reasons to end relationships

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Many people don't want to leave a soulmate because they think that they won’t find anyone better in the future. They think that if they leave, they like sign their own incompetence. But life is so short and sometimes people do not understand what a big mistake they make, but still are afraid of any changes in their life.

As someone says that even in the most desperate situation, each of us has three ways of solving any problem. The first is to accept it. But I think it is the worst way. The second is to try to change something. It sounds a bit better. And the third one is to leave - the only option when the first two ways do not work. 

As for my own experience, I have been meeting with my boyfriend for 5 years. During this time, this long time, I had a lot of situations when I thought that it was an end. Actually once we quarreled and I left him for 3 months, that’s why I know what I am writing about. After this parting everything changed, I mean, his attitude to me, his behavior. But I can say that in any relationships this happens very rarely. I have a lot of friends who are in relationships and who always complain about their beloved. And today I want to share with you my thoughts about this topic. Based on the stories of my friends and relatives, I can name a couple of reasons when the couple needs to part. 

* 1 When you are deprived of the right to private. It's not even about jealousy, but about the atmosphere of mistrust and possessiveness. For instance, “Where are you going? Who are you writing to? Why is your phone locked? Don’t you trust me? Oh, an erotic sleep, cool. Was it about me? What does "no" mean? etc.”. Many people are not ready to realize that his beloved has his own space, including erotic one. All these questions irritate and make you doubt whether you want such incredulous relationships and if it comes to reading your correspondence, run.  Then it will be worse. 

* 2 When you feel disrespect and shame. These two feelings’ve  killed more relationships than all the betrayals that are put together.  When your partner humiliates your desires, dreams, hobbies, he or she makes you feel worse, weaker and less worthy. Such things as “Michael’s wife earns more than you” or “Did you put some weight?” make me think whether such people can love someone. If it has been repeated for a long time, run from this person. Finding a new couple is easier and cheaper than painfully collecting yourself in pieces. 

 * 3 When you do not know how to quarrel and put up with. All couples argue and scandal is not the end of the world, but when any quarrel is on high tones without a clear reason, there is a reason to ask yourself: Is this normal, or are these our relationships?

*4 When you systematically are not satisfied in sex. I will not consider situations when partners do not know how to communicate with each other. This is a topic for a separate article. Sometimes couples have different preferences in bed. It happens. Then you should find a compromise. If not, I want to ask you: Do you want to spend with this person if not all your life, then, say, a dozen of years? Are you ready to refuse from a good sex for your whole life and feign an orgasm? If you answer "yes", then everything is in order. This is your choice. If not - maybe it's better to try to be happy with someone else.

 *5 When you have different views on life. Imagine, you want to travel all the time, and he wants to stay at home. With this you can work, but with children it will not work. There are no compromises. Children are a huge responsibility and if you are not ready to have them – it is better to leave. 

All things considered, no union can last forever. This can be sad, but this is reality. Don’t be afraid of leaving someone. Our life is too short to spare it with someone who can’t bring you happiness.  

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