in #life7 years ago

Hmm, I wake up this morning with beautiful thought of my wonderful weapon on my mind, a weapon that understands every language on this planet"earth". A weapon I name as "WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION" as well as that brilliant and wise REFORMER.


This weapon am talking about is neither a sword nor a gun, infact not found in an arsenal. This wonderful weapon of mine is always found unprotected for easy access to,by any man or woman, young or old, black or white.
Despite the fact that it is unprotected and easily accessed, it is mightier than the sword and anyone who holds it can either reform the world through it or can as well destruct the world through it.
This wonderful weapon am talking about is just three letter words and it is known as PEN.

imagepix @pixabay.com

I grab this wonderful weapon on this day, purposely to reform the world and to ensure that justice is done to injustice.
I was opportune to attend a younger brother matriculation ceremony yesterday and was so surprised with the total number of students that were matriculated by the university.



The questions that started resonating immediately in my mind is how are they going to be absorbed by the system?.
Considering the number of students universities churn out every year compare to available resources, it is a wonderful advice not to waste your precious time acquiring that black and white and better still learn how to add value to your self outside the education realm.
Our government is busy trying to fix things from the top rather than fixing it from the bottom, they forgot that foundation is the basis of any structure.
Thousands of Graduates are being produced every year with diminishing and deteriorating resources every year meant to cater for undergraduates
Academics have been the basis of any developing countries as science and technology-oriented research skyrocket the growth and development of any nation.
It should be noted that a nation that cannot feed itself will remain subservient to others. Every one of us has to share in the blame for the failure of this society.
The government has overtime failed us owing to their selfishness, however, we as followers can be the reformer the society needs. Did you say HOW?
Reforming the society does not necessarily require a huge capital but some of this little advise highlighted below can helps in curing the cancer that has already metastasize within the system, hence enhances reformation.
Love: Showing love to everyone in your vicinity with your token could affect life positively and make you that reformer we are talking about for our God and prophet also preaches love.


Be a good caretaker: Charity begins at home and as responsible dad and mum, we should know we are caretaker.Build your family well towards building a community and also to build a nation. By doing such you are a reformer we are talking about.


Disseminate information: I remember that fateful day I was introduced to STEEMIT by @temmy8284 in the corner of my room. That information that day made me meet wonderful and reasonable writers all over the world which has helped in reforming relationship aspect of my life. A deformed man is as good as a dead man.


Think outside the box: Be distinct in your thinking, think to an extent where others may not likely expect attained. Let your reasoning be constructive and centered towards boosting and reforming the life of others. Then we can say you are the reformer.


See opportunity in every failure: Failure is an opportunity to begin more intelligently, failure of one government should be a case study for another, followers should also make use of government failure constructively towards enhancing reformation to better life of others.
If you are powerful,
try to be humble and learn to be kind.
Give the youth some hope and direction.
Learn to help the old and tired.
Am an agent of peace and support REFORMATION...
God bless me
God bless you
Am donkenny1992.
Thanks for your attention.


Hi @donkenny! I always appreciate your messages of peace and charitable behaviors! Well done.

Hmmm, thanks @ crystalize. I appreciate your contribution.

Most Nigerian learn one or two trade while in school or after school due to no job, unemployment thing.

Hmmm,very right @wisdoncouture...we pray we survive that one day..

Wonderful article about one of burning issue. The situation is almost same in my countries. The rate of unemployment are very high. Every years huge amount of graduates are coming out from various institutions but afterward, no opportunity for them. Frustration rising and various crime alongside.

We need a long planner!

Exactly doc, we need a reformer to see to this. It is becoming unbearable and education is no more becoming interesting

No doubt evey year large number of graduate students increasing and it should be the prior responsibility of the government to do better things for them.

They have indeed failed us, however, we will all share the blame for the failure of the system

So true. Many things can be so much better if things are done in other ways. Education is a key to the future but there is more needed to actually create work for all academics. I don't have answers of course but I like the way you resonate about things. Love and unite, not split. Help each other and don't try to just focus on yourself. Great aspects to build a solid foundation:-)

I so much appreciate your contributions @kerlund74. It is greatly required to help each other with all our individual capacity. Waiting for the government is like running after a mirage.

Great message @donkenny1992.
Congratulations on your way.

I mentioned you in my post

Wow send me the link on discord maam. Let me go through it ...thanks