People who are meant to be together will always find their way back to each other.

in #life5 years ago


Soulmates can be thought of like human magnets. There’s one special person out there for everyone, someone whose energy and being is attracted to your own in a way that it just isn’t to anyone else.

Eventually, this attraction will bring the two of you together.

Your soulmate is out there, somewhere. Maybe you know them, or perhaps the two of you haven’t met yet. You might have met them a long time ago. It’s possible that they’re currently in your life, and that you just don’t know that they’re your soulmate yet, or vice versa. You might even have had a relationship with your soulmate already, but found that things didn’t work out.

True love is a connection that runs far deeper than any other. It’s an energy that carries across space and time, bringing people who are meant to be together into each other’s arms.

Your soulmate is out there, no matter how much it might sometimes seem like they’re not. People often feel like they’ve looked everywhere and still haven’t found their special person, so they assume that there’s no one they’re meant to end up with.

There’s no rush. You don’t have to keep looking. Things often happen to you when you give up trying to make them happen. There’s no need to force things to turn out in the way you want them to. We cannot control anything that happens to us in life. All we can do is react when things present themselves to us. There’s no need to go in search of your person. The two of you will come together when the time is right. You’re meant to be together, so you will end up together.

When two people are destined for each other, love will bring them together at the right moment.
True love is more than just a connection between two hearts, minds, and souls. It’s a connection of experience and time. Two soulmates might be meant for each other, but often they must travel separate roads until they develop into the people that they need to be for each other. Sometimes, things have to get worse before they can get better.
You and your soulmate might even meet as teenagers and then drift apart to follow your own paths in life, only to reconnect as adults, with the wealth of life experience the two of you have built up separately forming the bedrock upon which your love is able to grow and flourish.

Everything that happens, happens for a reason.

Life is incredibly strange. Sometimes events happen that seem catastrophic and awful until with the benefit of hindsight you see that they were necessary to mold you into someone better. Someone wiser, kinder, and more compassionate. Someone more capable of loving another person with all of their heart.

Everything that happens to us is simply an experience to learn from. If you think you’ve met your soulmate and the two of you break up, know that it is for the best. Perhaps that person really is your soulmate, and one day you’ll reconnect and it’ll feel like you’ve never been apart. Perhaps they’re not, but the lessons you learn from them help you to recognize your true soulmate when you finally meet them.

Going your separate ways is sometimes for the best.

If you were meant to be with a certain person right now, you’d be with them. If you’re not, then it’s simply time to be apart. You can know for sure that you’ll end up with your soulmate one day, whether it takes months or years for you to find each other.

You can’t truly lose your soulmate, even if the two of you aren’t by each other’s sides right now. When the time is right, you’ll be with the person that you’re meant to be with.

Written by Maverick, Staff Writer at Lessons Learned In Life Inc. ©️