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RE: Five Top Tips To Interview Glory!

in #life7 years ago

And of course below is a crucial article of your sharp apparel, where at some point - perhaps after you unbutton or remove your over shirt which would be when you decide it's the perfect moment to reveal how smart you are and determine the intelligence level of your would-be boss. If the interviewer should ask "Then what is it?" You will be faced with the decision on whether to explain that it is merely a picture of a pipe at which point you produce the actual pipe....but this route may make the interviewer angry because he knows he's been exposed as a buffoon and likely you will lose your chance for the position. Should you instead shrug your shoulders and tell them your wife/girlfriend/daughter picked it out for you it may now afford you the opportunity of a 'bonding' moment wherein you 'share' a camaraderie over the inexplicable nature and taste of which point you still produce the actual pipe and see if perhaps the joker will put it together, at which point he will say "Oh I see!" And explain it to you, and you'll have a good hearty chuckle and something like "Women, they sure do think they are clever don't they", and of course you now have the job.....

(I didn't sleep a wink last night and drank many, too many cups of coffee hee hee hee)



Lol, it sounds like you were wired to the moon on that caffeine!! hehe

I concur with the above. I would hope for the latter scenario with such a fine tshirt of piping! :OD

LOL I definitely was, that was a good sized ramble!

Hehe, I saw it first thing this morning and I was like wow!!!! That girl can type!!! ;0) it was a splendid comment though!!