The Ajepako Heritage

in #life7 years ago

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Ajebutter: a term used in south western Nigeria to describe children that grew up in affluence and had a lot of convience at their disposal.
Ajepako: a term used to describe children who grew up in hardships and hustled hard for survival.
A lot of times I've wondered why people proudly chant the fact that they are Ajepako and not ajebutter.
How can someone be so proud of poverty? ;I've wondered.  Suddenly it hit me
The ajepakos are not proud of poverty ; we are proud of our survival.
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We are proud of the fact that we went through hardships most people couldn't have survived and we came out strong.
We are proud that the hunger we experienced didn't leave us to become a sumptuous meal for the vultures;
We are proud that the fire we went through as turned us to gold.
We are proud that the pressure we had to take in had crafted us into diamonds.

We are proud of our strengths that is enough to blast a dynamite.
We know that the poverty we grew up in doesn't define us; its just an event that would make for a good story someday.
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So you've manged through read through this article but you were born with a silver spoon; nutured with a golden spoon ; fed with a diamond spoon.
Well,if you can relate with any hardship that has been written up; then, I welcome you to The Ajepako Nation.
So the next time a person asks you if you are an ajebutter;
Look at the person from head to toe, ajust your top by pulling it forward; gracefully lift your head, flaunts your peacocky feathers and show that you are proud of the ajepako heritage by saying I no be ajebutter; I be ajepako