The Ebb and Flow of Life

in #life3 years ago


This has been a year of endings and beginnings. Earlier this year, my father died and just a couple of weeks ago his brother (my Uncle Elgin) followed him. That was the last of their family.

Two evenings ago, my first grandchild (Alice) was born. She is the daughter of my son Edward and his wife Caitlin. She was born August 26 at 9:37 pm. She was 8lb 5 oz (3.77049 kg) and 20 3/4 inches (53 cm) in length.


It is very sad that the brothers passed away in the same year. May your uncle rest in peace. I wish you and your family patience.

On the other hand, you experienced one of the most beautiful days in the world by meeting your first grandchild. Congratulations to her mom and dad. Btw, Alice is very lucky to have a grandfather like you 🌸

Both my father and uncle were raised with the belief that there was heaven afterwards. If that is true, there is no reason to be sad for them. As for my emotions, my feelings for both of these men are unchanged. They are just in another room.

Regrettably, I have yet to meet Alice in person. My duties caring for my mother preclude travelling to her (they are in Alberta, and I am in Ontario).

Am sorry for your loss dear old friend, congratulations to you. You officially now a grand pa and that's awesome.
Wishing the child good and success in every aspect of life.

Thank you for that.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Congratulations on becoming a grandfather. This is life, death and birth are intertwined.

Thank you. As one person embarks on one journey, another one arrives to start hers.

Hey - how wonderful! Congratulations to the young family and to you on becoming a grandpa! All the best for you!

He - wie schön! Ich gratuliere der jungen Familie und Dir zum Großpapa! Alles liebe für Euch!

Vielen Dank. Mein Sohn, seine Frau und seine neue Tochter wohnen etwas mehr als 2500 km entfernt, daher werde ich nicht nur eine Weile zu Besuch sein (meine Mutter ist pflegebedürftig).

Thank you. My son, his wife and his new daughter live a little over 2500 km away, so I won't be just visiting for a while (my mother needs care).


You live in a big country... My children are also spread across the planet - we rarely see each other. All the best!

Du lebst in einem großen Land... Meine Kinder sind auch über den Planeten verteilt - wir sehen uns selten. Alles Gute!

So sorry about your loss. Life is filled with ups and downs. Bit amidst them all, we still smile due to the good news that comes despite all the bad news that we received. Am happy that you now have a good news of your grand daughter. Congratulations! I welcome your little Angel

I don't consider death to be bad news nor am I sad as a result. It is like being born, just into a new state of being. I would never feel bad about someone going to heaven.